Class: VORuby::STC::V1_30::AstroCoords

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The coordinate element consists either of a coordinate file or a sequence of time element, spatial coordinate element, velocity element, and redshift element; the spatial and velocity elements may be scalar or vector; it needs to refer to a coordinate system.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from AstroCoordsType

#coord_file, #orbit, #position, #redshift, #spectral, #time, #velocity

Attributes inherited from CoordsType

#coord_system_id, #coordinates

Attributes included from STCReference

#id, #idref, #ucd, #xlink_href, #xlink_type

Method Summary

Methods inherited from AstroCoordsType

#==, from_xml, #initialize, #to_xml

Methods inherited from CoordsType

#==, coords_from_xml, from_xml, #initialize, #to_xml

Methods inherited from STCBaseType

#==, #initialize, stc_base_from_xml, #to_xml

Methods included from STCReference

#stc_reference_eq, stc_reference_from_xml, #stc_reference_to_xml

Methods included from SerializableToXml


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from VORuby::STC::V1_30::AstroCoordsType