
Wankel is a Ruby gem that provides C bindings to the YAJL 2 C Library.

Wankel provides gerneral parsing and encoding to and from JSON, but also a SAX style parser and encoder for streaming parsing and generation.


  • SAX style JSON parsing and encoding
  • JSON parsing and encoding directly to and from an IO stream (file, socket, etc) or String.
  • Parse and encode multiple JSON objects to and from streams or strings continuously.
  • JSON gem compatibility API - allows wankel to be used as a drop-in replacement for the JSON gem


Wankel only dependency is YAJL version 2.

You can install it with homebrew via:

brew install yajl


Wankel is installed via Rubygems:

gem install wankel


Simple Usage

Wankel.parse('{"key": "value"}')
# => {"key" => "value"}

Wankel.encode({"key" => "value"})
# => '{"key":"value"}'

Sax Parser Example

class SimpleParser < Wankel::SaxParser
  def on_array_start
    puts "Array start"
  def on_string(string)
    puts string

parser = SimpleParser.new
parser.parse('["string1", null, "string2"]')
# => "Array start"
# => "string1"
# => "string2"

Sax Encoder Example

output = StringIO.new
encoder = Wankel::SaxEncoder.new(output)
# => '{"key":123}'

Parsing Options

  • :symbolize_keys (Default: false)

make Hash keys into Ruby symbols

  Wankel.parse('{"key": "value"}', :symbolize_keys => true)
  # => {:key => "value"}
  • :allow_comments (Default: false)

Ignore javascript style comments in JSON input.

  Wankel.parse('{"key": /*comment*/ "value"}', :allow_comments => false)
  # => Wankel::ParseError

  Wankel.parse('{"key": /*comment*/ "value"}', :allow_comments => true)
  # => {"key" => "value"}
  • :validate_utf8 (Default: false)

Verify that all strings in JSON input are valid UTF8 emit a parse error if this is not so. This option makes parsing slightly more expensive.

  Wankel.parse("[\"\x81\x83\"]", :validate_utf8 => false)
  # => ["\x81\x83"]

  Wankel.parse("[\"\x81\x83\"]", :validate_utf8 => true)
  # => Wankel::ParseError
  • :allow_trailing_garbage (Default: false)

Ensure the entire input text was consumed and raise an error otherwise

  Wankel.parse('{"key": "value"}gar', :allow_trailing_garbage => false)
  # => Wankel::ParseError

  Wankel.parse('{"key": "value"}gar', :allow_trailing_garbage => true)
  # => {"key" => "value"}
  • :multiple_values (Default: false)

Allow multiple values to be parsed by a single parser. The entire text must be valid JSON, and values can be seperated by any kind of whitespace

  Wankel.parse('{"abc": 123}{"def": 456}')
  # => Wankel::ParseError

  Wankel.parse('{"abc": 123}{"def": 456}', :multiple_values => true)
  # => [{"abc"=>123}, {"def"=>456}]

  Wankel.parse('{"abc": 123}{"def": 456}', :multiple_values => true) do |obj|
      puts obj
  # => {"abc"=>123}
  # => {"def"=>456}
  • :allow_partial_values (Default: false)


  • :read_buffer_size (Default: 8092)

The read buffer size in bytes when reading from an IO Object.

Encoding Options

  • :beautify (Default: false)

Generate indented (beautiful) output.

  Wankel.encode({"key" => "value"}, :beautify => true)
  # => "{\n    \"key\": \"value\"\n}\n"
  • :indent_string (Default: " ", four spaces)

The indent string which is used when :beautify is enabled

  Wankel.encode({"key" => "value"}, :beautify => true, :indent_string => "\t")
  # => "{\n\t\"key\": \"value\"\n}\n"
  • :validate_utf8 (Default: false)

Validate that the strings are valid UTF8.

  Wankel.encode(["#{"\201\203"}"], :validate_utf8 => false)
  # => "[\"#{"\201\203"}\"]"

  Wankel.encode(["#{"\201\203"}"], :validate_utf8 => true)
  # => Wankel::EncodeError
  • :escape_solidus (Default: false)

The forward solidus (slash or '/' in human) is not required to be escaped in json text. By default, YAJL will not escape it in the iterest of saving bytes. Setting this flag will cause YAJL to always escape '/' in generated JSON strings.

  Wankel.encode("/", :escape_solidus => false)
  # => '"/"'

  Wankel.encode("/", :escape_solidus => true)
  # => '"\/"'
  • :write_buffer_size

The write buffer size in bytes before writing to the IO object or String.

Performance Comparisons


General Encoder

The test description (ie. Small: 100,000 parses of a 255 byte JSON):

Gem Parse Time Rate Ratio
Wankel N seconds N.NK parses/sec N.N
OJ N seconds N.NK parses/sec N.N
Yajl N seconds N.NK parses/sec N.N
JSON::Ext N seconds N.NK parses/sec N.N

General Decoder

Streaming Encoder

Streaming Decoder