
Extract test setup and factory instantiation into reusable objects.


Extract complex setup code for integration tests out into a central place; for example:

  • Share setup code between cucumber and test/unit by centralizing it.

  • Run this code in the console in development mode to seed your db with test data.


Define profiles

Specify car, garage and boat as a dependency for lots of things. Watchmaker will either use a watchmaker by that name to fulfill that dependency, or fall back to the factory if it doesn’t exist.

Watchmaker.define :lots_of_things => [:car, :garage, :boat]

Specify a block with things to do do:

Watchmaker.define :two_garages do
  2.times do 
    Factory.create :garage

Specify a factory as a dependency:

Watchmaker.define :garage, :factories => [:garage] do
  # Some other post-factory creation setup here.

Specify multiple factories as dependencies:

Watchmaker.define :garages, :factories => [:garage, :garage] do
  # Some other post-factory creation setup here.

Pass those objects in to the block:

Watchmaker.define :car_and_driver, :factories => [:garage, :car] do |garage, car| << car

Sepcify another watchmaker as a dependency:

Watchmaker.define :car, :watchmakers => [:garage]

Specify a factory and a watchmaker as a dependency:

Watchmaker.define :car, :factories => [:car], :watchmakers => [:garage]

Manufacture objects

Build in-memory objects using the two garages profile. :two_garages

Build persisted objects using the two garages profile.

Watchmaker.create :two_garages

Get your objects back

Watchmaker returns the objects created.

Watchmaker.create(:garage).first.class # Garage

Inspiration for the name

William Paley’s Watchmaker Analogy and Argument.


Watchmaker is Copyright © 2011 Christopher Meiklejohn. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


The watchmaker gem was written by Christopher Meiklejohn from Swipely, Inc..