
Watnow finds and lists your project TODOs and FIXMEs.
It basically does what the Rails’ rake notes does, but in a more generic way.


$ gem install watnow


$ watnow


$ watnow --help

Usage: watnow [options]

-h, --help               show this message
-v, --version            display version
-d, --directory DIR      directory DIR to scan (defaults: ./)

watnow commands:
open <ID>    open annotation ID in your editor
remove <ID>  remove annotation ID



Opens an annotation in your $EDITOR focused on the annotation line.

$ watnow open 13


Removes the annotation line from its file.
(Make sure there is nothing else on that line)

$ watnow remove 13



# TODO @rafBM: Update user form
# TODO Update user controller @rafBM
[ 2 ] TODO: Update user form [ @rafBM ]
[ 1 ] TODO: Update user controller [ @rafBM ]


Exclamation mark (!) preceded by a whitespace. (/\s(!+)\s?/)

# TODO !!!: This is level 3 urgent
# TODO @rafBM: Just do it !
# TODO: This is not a priority!!
# TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!! @EtienneLem: This is a nicolas-cage-level urgent task
[ 3 ]  TODO: This is not a priority!!
[ 2 ]  TODO: Just do it [ @rafBM - ! ]
[ 1 ]  TODO: This is level 3 urgent [ !!! ]
[ 4 ]  TODO: This is a nicolas-cage-level urgent task [ @EtienneLem - !!!!!!!!!!!!! ]

Super color-friendly

(Seriously, I’m open to color suggestions…) color-friendly

Watnow config

Override defaults in ~/.watnowconfig. Supported options are:

username  (String)    | A username so that you can be mentioned in TODOs  | Default: ''
color     (Boolean)   | Enable/disable colored output                     | Default: true
patterns  (Array)     | An array of string/regex that you want to monitor | Default: []

Use YAML syntax:

username: EtienneLem
color: false
patterns: [potato, ba(na)+]


My Ruby skills are far from exemplary, please teach me.