
Simple memory monitor - used in production with passenger to limit uptime of a service using excessive memory - as happens with ruby-1.8.7 on non ree projects

see ./bin/weasel for all the arguments that it takes


weasel –callback “%x-USR1 #{pid.to_s}” –watch ‘Rails:’ –num-cycles 3 –num-over-marks 2 –callback-message ‘sending SIGUSR1’ –high-water-mb 440 –delay 1

the above will send sigusr1 (graceful exit) to all the processes matching 'Rails' that run over 440MB 2 out of 3


Samples are taken a total of 3 times with a delay of 1 second between them.

Put this in a cronjob to run every minute and you have a very simple, robust way to reap overmemory processes.

You can also combine this nicely with services that use daemontools if you don't want to write complex restart / shutdown code.


Copyright © 2010 Curtis Schofield. See LICENSE for details.