

Capture Screenshots on Windows with Ruby to bmp, gif, jpg or png formats!


gem install win32screenshot


require 'win32/screenshot'
# Take a screenshot of the window with the specified title
Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:window, :title => "Windows Internet Explorer").write("image.bmp")
# Take a screenshot of the foreground
# Take a screenshot of the specified window's top-left corner's area
Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:window, :title => /internet/i, :area => [10, 10, 20, 20]).write("image.jpg")
# Take a screenshot of the window with the specified handle
Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:window, :hwnd => 123456).write("image.gif")
# Take a screenshot of the window's client area (e.g. without title bar) with the specified handle
Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:window, :hwnd => 123456, :context => :client)
# Take a screenshot of the child window with the specified internal class name
Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:rautomation, => 123456).
                          child(:class => "Internet Explorer_Server")).write("image.png")
# Use the bitmap blob for something else
image = Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:window, :hwnd => 123456)
image.height # => height of the image
image.width  # => width of the image
image.bitmap # => bitmap blob

Copyright © 2010 Jarmo Pertman, Aslak Hellesøy. See LICENSE for details.