
Easy validation of option keys and their values.


  • Validate If all option values are valid.
  • Automatically assign default values to missing but required keys.
  • (Optionally) check for unsupported keys in the options hash.
  • Assign the validated values to one or more variables.


$ gem install with_validations


Note: A class including this module also need to stick to the following conventions:

  • Provide a hash of the type { option_key => [default_value, validation_proc], ...} assigned to a constant named OPTIONS.
  • Name the option hash of a method options.

Sample Setup

require 'with_validations'

class TestClass
  include WithValidations

  # option_key => [default_value, validation_proc]
  OPTIONS = {:compact      => [false, lambda {|value| is_boolean?(value) }],
             :with_pinyin  => [true,  lambda {|value| is_boolean?(value) }],
             :thread_count => [8,     lambda {|value| value.kind_of?(Integer) }]}

  # Instance method
  def test_method_1(options={}) # options hash has to be named 'options'
    @thread_count = validate { :thread_count }


  # Singleton method
  def self.test_method_2(options={})
    @compact, @with_pinyin = validate { [:compact, :with_pinyin] }

    # ...

  # Optional parameter set to true.
  def self.test_method_3(options={})
    @compact, @with_pinyin = validate(true) { [:compact, :with_pinyin] }

    # ...


Use Cases

obj = TestClass.new
obj.test_method_1(:thread_count => 10)
# @thread_count set to 10

# No options hash passed, used default value
# @thread_count set to 8

# Passing any invalid value
my_class.test_method_1(:thread_count => 'invalid')
# ArgumentError: Value 'invalid' is not a valid value for key 'thread_count'

TestClass.test_method_2(:compact => true, :with_pinyin => false)
# @compact set to true, @with_pinyin set to false

TestClass.test_method_2(:compact => true)
# No options for key :with_pinyin provided: Use the default value
# @compact is set to true, @with_pinyin is set to true

# By default, any keys from the options hash that are not part of the block are ignored.
TestClass.test_method_2(:compact => true,
                        :with_pinyin => false,
                        :thread_count => 10,           # Key in OPTIONS, but not part of the block.
                        :not_listed => 'some value')   # Not part of the block
# @compact set to true, @with_pinyin set to false

# Optional argument set to true: Any key from the options hash that is not part of the keys
     # passed to the block will throw an exception.
TestClass.test_method_3(:compact => true,
                        :with_pinyin => false,
                        :thread_count => 10,           # Key in OPTIONS, but not part of the block.
                        :not_listed => 'some value')   # Not part of the block
# Exception: The following keys are not supported: not_listed


Main method

Note: All methods are available as both instance and singleton methods.