withings-api is an easy to use Ruby library providing access to the Withings Body Metrics Services API (WBS API) version 2.

For complete details about the WBS API, see www.withings.com/en/api/wbsapiv2



For an example use of the withings-api, see examples/create_access_token.rb.

Broadly speaking, there are two phases to using the withings-api.

  1. Retrieve access to user’s data via OAuth authentication + authorization

  2. Retrieve user data via authorized OAuth credentials (called “access token” in this documentation).

    • NOTE: This isn’t implemented as of version 0.0.1.

OAuth Authorization

Before you can access user data via the WBS API, you need to go through a process that allows the user to authorize your application’s access to their data. This process is handled by a protocol called OAuth 1.0.

For details on Withings implementation of OAuth, see Withings OAuth Guide. For the complete specification of OAuth 1.0, see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849.

Broadly, these are the steps to getting access to user data via the API.

  1. (One Time) Register you application with Withings - oauth.withings.com/en/partner/add

    • This will give you a “consumer token” and “consumer secret” which is used to identify and authenticate your application

    • Some more information about this step, see Withings OAuth Guide: Registration

  2. Request a temporary “request token” used to identify your request for OAuth authorization.

    • Facilitated by Withings::Api::StaticHelpers#create_request_token.

  3. Using the “request token”, redirect the user to Withings to allow them to log in and authorize your access to their data.

    • Use Withings::Api::RequestTokenResponse#authorization_url to get the URL to use.

    • Note: this redirect happens outside of withings-api, usually in your webapp.

    • When the user authorizes the request, Withings will redirect the user back to your application:

      • You specify this callback URL in the call to Withings::Api::StaticHelpers#create_request_token

  4. Request permanent access to the users data with an “access token”.

    • Facilitated by Withings::Api::StaticHelpers#create_access_token

  5. Now you have permanent credentials to use when making calls that access user data.

Once authorized, you can use data access methods for retreiving user Withings data.

Accessing User Data

**Implementation and Documentation Pending**


withings-api is currently a work in progress. Only support for getting OAuth request and access tokens is supported at this time.



Initial public offereing. OAuth request token and access token support only. No data access yet.


MIT License, see LICENSE


Thanks to the following software and tools that inspired and made withings-api possible:

  • Withings - for making awesome hardware and making the data easily accessible

  • OAuth Ruby Gem - for OAuth plumbing and tools

  • / RSpec - for unit testing

  • / Cucumber - for integration and acceptance testing

  • Capybara - browser automated acceptance testing


Don’t like withings-api? Patches, changes, and ideas always welcome.

You can also try simplificator-withings.