Wizard Of Awes

A simple snippet manager for creating and inserting snippets of HTML into your application for Rails 3.1+



1 tag. 1 simple CRUD admin interface for managing snippets

Easy to use

Just install the gem and restart your server. You can then start adding and including snippets.

Supported versions

  • Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 (trunk)

  • Rails 3.1+ (edge)


Put this line in your Gemfile:

gem 'wizard_of_awes'

Then bundle:

% bundle

Run the generator:

% rails g wizard_of_awes:install


% bundle exec rake db:migrate


General configuration options

You can configure the following default values by overriding these values using WizardOfAwes.configure method.

helper_auth		# WizardOfAwes::HelperAuth by default
snippet_route_prefix	# 'woa-snippets' by default

Helper Options

  • woa_snippet

    <%= woa_snippet %>

    This would try and find a snippet with the key of the current page’s full path.

  • woa_snippet(key)

    <%= woa_snippet('my_key') %>

    This would try and find a snippet with the key of ‘my_key’.

Questions, Feedback

Feel free to message me on Github (agmattbrand) or Twitter (@agmattbrand)

Contributing to Wizard Of Awes

  • Fork, fix, then send me a pull request.

Copyright © 2011 Matt Brand.