# XBar - MongoDB Style Sharding for ActiveRecord

## Supported versions Caution – only ActiveRecord 3.2 is currently supported. This will soon be improved.

## General Design

The XBar project is derived from Octopus. Octopus showed that the implementation technique of using a proxy for the ‘ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter` object instances is possible. This proxy implements a sort of *late binding*, returning a real abstract adapter object that depends on the current state of the proxy, especially on the value of the `current_shard`. Many of the tricky pieces of code, especially those for managing associations, come from Octopus.

## Changes from Octopus

The Octopus implementation has been modified to support efficient dynamic reconfiguration. The configuration is given in a JSON document, rather than YAML. This makes it convenient to update the application over the network using the standard JSON over HTTP technique. The JSON document supports multiple application environments. These align with Rails environments when Rails is present. Unlike Octopus, this document format does not allow multiple ‘Octopus’ evironments. Instead, there is an ‘xbar_env` which essentially specifies a different JSON file to use.

Another change is that shards that are themselves a collection of mirrors is supported. Mirroring does not take place among shards, it takes place among the mirrors that constitute a shard. Replication among the mirrors is expected to be handling by some database specific technique, such as native MySQL replication.

The Octopus ‘Proxy` class has been split into two classes `Proxy` and `Shard`, and into a module `Mapper`. `Mapper` contains the in-memory representation of the current configuration. Each `Proxy` instance no longer has its own copy of the configuration. There is exactly one `Mapper` module for the entire application, necessarily true, since its a module. As before there is one `Proxy` instance per thread, which allows per-thread state to be stored in the instance. A `Proxy` instance references a collection of `Shard` instances. Each `Shard` instance manages a set of replicas for that shard.

The concept of a group as used in Octopus is mostly gone. Vestiges of it exist in the migration code. Thus a migration can still specify that it should take place on multiple shards. In the general case, a group concept would fork writes to send them to multiple shards. This is only practical if the writes are performed in parallel in separate threads. The current ‘Proxy` would become a group manager and we’d have a hierarchy something like this:

Proxy (set of Groups) -> Group (set of Shards) -> Shard (set of replicas)

This complexity is too great for the first version of ‘XBar`.

## Concepts

### Mapper

The mapper is a module that maintains the state of the database servers, shards, replication, and databases. It is configured via a JSON document. The JSON document can be in the local file system, or it can be delivered over HTTP. A new JSON document can be installed at any time. The mapper does not maintain any per-thread state. All the proxies get their mapping information directly from the mapper. Some information is cached in each proxy, optimized for use in the proxy. Thus when the JSON document is changed, the mapper will notify each proxy to rebuild its state.

### Proxy

An instance of the ‘Proxy` object exists per thread. Thus thread-local state can be kept directly in the proxy, and the proxy can refer to global state in the mapper (and in the `XBar` module itself). Each proxy registers with the mapper when it is created so that the mapper can notify the proxy of changes to the global configuration.

A proxy is only responsible for managing shards, that is, except for some initialization code, it has no knowledge of replicas within a shard. It has a list, the ‘shard_list`, that maps shard names to `Shard` objects. For each SQL statement, block of statements, or transaction, the proxy choose a shard and deletegates the operation to the shard. The shard, in turn, chooses the particular replica to use.

### Shard

The term shard is used as it is used in MongoDB. A shard acts like an independent database. In our case, the replication within the shard is handled by some external means such as native MySQL replication. Nevertheless, XBar knows about the replicas within the shard, and it knows which replica is the replication master. This allows XBar to direct transactions to the master shard, and reads to the (eventually-consistent) replicas within the shard.

The shard is a per-thread object, referenced only from a proxy. Thus the overall structure is tree-like. One mapper references a collection of proxies (one per thread), and each proxy references a collection of shards. Each shard object references a list of ‘ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool` instances that the shard uses to select connections to replicas within the shard.

### Environments

XBar has three concepts all called environments. First, there is the rails_env that is inherited from Rails when this gem is included in a Rails application. Second, the xbar_env is the name of the configuration file that is currently in effect. In the case where the configuration was loaded via a JSON document over HTTP, a name for the xbar_env is generated in some other way (TBD). Finally, there is the app_env, that functions much like rails_env when Rails is not present. When Rails is present, app_env is read only and always has the same value as rails_env. When Rails is not present, app_env can be selected by the user. In either case, its value should be name of an environment stanza in the current configuration file.

## Getting Started

The examples directory at the top level of the source distribution has some stand-alone examples that show how to set up and use ‘XBar`.

## Using XBar

XBar adds a method to each ‘ActiveRecord` Class and object: the using method is used to select the shard like this:


User.where(:name => "Thiago").limit(3).using(:slave_one)


XBar also supports queries within a block. When you pass a block to the using method, all queries inside the block will be sent to the specified shard.


XBar.using(:slave_two) do
  User.create(:name => "Mike")


Each model instance knows which shard it came from so this will work automatically:


# This will find the user in the shard1
@user = User.using(:shard1).find_by_name("Joao")

# This will find the user in the master database
@user2 = User.find_by_name("Jose")

#Sets the name
@user.name = "Mike"

# Save the user in the correct shard, shard1.


### Migrations

In migrations, you also have access to the using method. The syntax is basically the same. This migration will run in the brazil and canada shards.


class CreateUsersOnBothShards < ActiveRecord::Migration
  using(:brazil, :canada)

  def self.up
    User.create!(:name => "Both")

  def self.down


### Rails Controllers

If you want to send a specified action, or all actions from a controller, to a specific shard, use this syntax:


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  around_filter :select_shard

  def select_shard(&block)
    XBar.using(:brazil, &block)


## Exception with Idle Connections

Sometimes, when a connection isn’t used for much time, this will makes ActiveRecord raising an exception. if you have this kind of applications, please, add the following line to your configuration:


verify_connection: true


This will tell XBar to verify the connection before sending the query.

## Mixing XBar with the Rails Multiple Database Mechanism

If you want to set a custom connection to a specific model, use this syntax:


#This class sets its own connection
# establish_connection will not work, use xbar_establish_connection instead.
class CustomConnection < ActiveRecord::Base
  xbar_establish_connection(:adapter => "mysql", :database => "xbar_shard2")
