xctest-runner Gem Version build

The unit tests runner for xctest.
You can run only a specific test case in the CUI!


$ gem install xctest-runner


Simple usage

$ xctest-runner

xctest-runner may be able to find the appropriate Scheme automatically.

If you would like to run a specific test case

$ xctest-runner -test SampleTests/testSample

If you specify a scheme

$ xctest-runner -scheme YourScheme

If you specify a project

$ xctest-runner -project Sample.xcodeproj

If you specify a workspace

$ xctest-runner -workspace Sample.xcworkspace

Advanced Usage

If you would like to use CocoaPods

$ xctest-runner -workspace YourCocoaPods.xcworkspace -scheme YourProjectScheme

If you would like to use xcpretty

$ xctest-runner 2>&1 | xcpretty -c

If you would like add your build options

$ xctest-runner -suffix "OBJROOT=."

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