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Xignite Ruby

Xignite is a Ruby client library for the Xignite Web Services API

This gem only supports a subset of Xignite's Web Services. Currently Supported are all operations under:


gem install xignite
require 'xignite'

with Bundler, simply:

gem 'xignite'

Basic Usage

Xignite Ruby provides a rubyist's interface to the Xignite API. It constructs a GET or POST request for you, and then parses the response into Array and Hash-like Ruby objects. Reference the Xignite documentation for required parameters and options, and call the appropriate Web Service in one of two ways:

# The following two statements do the same thing
response = Xignite::Metals.get_last_real_time_metal_quote(
  'Type' => 'XAU', 'Currency' => 'USD'

response = Xignite::Metals::GetLastRealTimeMetalQuote(
  'Type' => 'XAU', 'Currency' => 'USD'

The response is a Xignite::Metals::GetLastRealTimeMetalQuote object:

    "date"=>#<Date: 2011-12-09 (4911809/2,0,2299161)>,
    "time"=>2011-12-09 22:59:52 UTC,
    22:59:52 UTC,
    "ask_time"=>2011-12-09 22:59:52 UTC

# => 1712.15002441

# => 2011-12-09 22:59:52 UTC


Xignite.configure do |config|

  # Configure which HTTP method is used to contact the Xignite service
  # Default: :get, Possible values: [ :get, :post ]
  self.request_method = :get

  # Configure the endpoint hostname
  # Default:
  self.endpoint = Xignite::URL

  # Use HTTPS
  # Default: false
  self.https = true

  # Set your Xignite username. This automatically adds a 'Header_Username' parameter to all requests
  # Default: nil
  self.username = 'goldbug'



To add support for additional web services or features, simply extend from the Xignite::Service. Pull requests are encouraged and will be considered promptly.


In the Wild

Xignite Ruby was originally written and maintained for GoldBug app. Issue a pull request or let us know if you'd like your site/company link added here.


The author of this software is not affiliated with Xignite and cannot provide support for Xignite products and services. Please read the MIT LICENSE before using this software.