
ApproXIMATE fuzzy search for Ruby on Rails activerecord models.


  • Rails >= 3.0.1


gem install ximate


In your model puts some like this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  define_index do
    add_text title, 3
    add_text keywords.join(' '), 2
    add_text body(:en)

In this case we can perform an appoximate search on title, keywords and body fields of posts where title is most important than keywords than body (title have priority 3, keywords 2 and body 1).

You can also define indexes for different locales like this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  [:en, :it, :de].each do |locale|
    define_index(locale) do
      add_text title(locale)
      add_text body(locale)

Then you can perform a search

Post.asearch('Hello world').where(:public => true).limit(5)

asearch method is chainable with the usual activerecord methods. You can also order the results by rank (calculate by ximate)

Post.asearch('Hello world').order('rank DESC').where(:public => true)

The cool stuff is that if you search with

Post.asearch('Hello worlds').order('rank DESC').where(:public => true)

the results will be the same! The error allowed by Ximate can be expressed as a percentage by setting the option Ximate::OPTIONS[:match_error_percent]. Default value is 20%.

Finally you can set some Ximate options in your initializers.

Ximate::OPTIONS[:match_error_percent] = 20
Ximate::OPTIONS[:ignore_word_short_than] = 2
Ximate::OPTIONS[:logger] = true
Ximate::OPTIONS[:debug] = false

Questions or problems?

If you have any issues please add an issue on GitHub or fork the project and send a pull request.

Copyright © 2010 Enrico Pilotto. MIT license.