= xls2odat

* http://scm.ywesee.com/?p=xls2odat/.git;a=summary


xls2odat converts one or more XLS files to flat files so they can be
imported to a drugstore software or a pharmacy software in Switzerland.

xls2odat parses XLS files depending on a configuration XLS file, and
outputs the data separated by "|" symbol.


* xls2odat just converts files. It does not manage any codes.


* ruby 1.8 or later
* spreadsheet


The easiest way to install is via RubyGems. On the command line enter:

* sudo gem install xls2odat-1.0.0.gem

To manually install, use the included setup.rb script:

* sudo ruby setup.rb

See test directory for tests. Run

* ruby test/test_xls2odat.rb

for testing.

For Windows Users, use this oneclick installer to install Ruby.

* http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/71066/rubyinstaller-1.8.6-p398.exe

then install 'gem' and then install 'spreadsheet' and 'xls2odat'.


* xls2odat config_file.xls data_file1.xls data_file2.xls


* GPLv2, see LICENSE file

== Author:

* Masaomi Hatakeyama <[email protected]>

== Author README

* Masaomi Hatakeyama <[email protected]>
* Zeno R.R. Davatz <[email protected]>