
XmlParsable is a simple means to declare how an XML grammar maps to Ruby objects. It does not perform validation of the input, and it is only able to describe fairly simple structures. It relies on LibXML::XML::SaxParser.

Quick Example

For more details, see the RSpec examples in spec/examples.

Declare XML grammar

require "xmlparsable"

# Needed only for using the "collection" declaration or
# implement your own String#pluralize, String#singularize
require "active_support/core_ext"

class AddressBook
  include XmlParsable

  class Contact
    include XmlParsable
    element :givenname
    element :familyname
    element :phone
    element :email
    element :spouse,      Contact
    collection :children, Contact
    element :birthdate,   DateElement
    element :updated,     TimeElement

  collection :contact, Contact

Parse input XML from string, IO, or File

book = AddressBook.parse(<<-XML)

      <email>[email protected]</email>

Iterate parsed data

kim, vlad = book.contacts
kim.givenname #=> "Kim"
kim.birthdate #=> #<Date: 4860813/2,0,2299161>
kim.updated   #=> Fri Jan 01 12:45:30 2010

sulsong, jongchul, jongun, jongnam = kim.children
jongnam.spouse.givenname  #=> "Jong-hui"
jongnam.spouse.familyname #=> "Shin"

vlad.email    #=> "[email protected]"
vlad.spouse   #=> #<AddressBook::Contact @givenname="Lyudmila" @familyname="Putina">

Data Types


Parses content into a Ruby Date object, using Date.parse.


Parses children nodes into an Array using some other AbstractElement child class.


Parses content into a Ruby Integer or BigDecimal, depending on whether the input contains a decimal point or not. Parses using Integer(..) and BigDecimal(..) constructor methods.


Parses children nodes according to element and collection declarations on an XmlParsable class.


Parses content into a Ruby String object.


Concatenates all subordinate text nodes into a single String. For example, "abc def <b>what<!-- ever --></b>" is read as "abc def what".


Parses content into a Ruby Time object, using Time.parse.


Parses children elements into an Array whose elements are one of these three classes. These really should be the same node types that LibXML uses, but that's not the case for now.

  • XmlParsable::Elements::XmlElement::Node
  • XmlParsable::Elements::XmlElement::Text
  • XmlParsable::Elements::XmlElement::Comment