Thank you for having interest in xmpp4log.

What: #####

A simple Logger class which output is XMPP.

Who: ####

Geek.describe do nick = ‘frihd’ first = ‘lucas’ last = ‘dicioccio’ web = ‘http://’ + last + ‘.fr’ email = first + last + ‘@’ + nick + ‘.net’ end

Why: ####

I needed to get updates on my phone of some log info. Having a Logger class is handy because many libraries allow you to pass such an object.

Tested on: ##########

Ruby 1.8 Linux 2.6.28

Requirements: #############

Ruby IO.pipe must be available on your platform xmpp4r xmpp4r-simple

Usage in script: ################

require ‘rubygems’ require ‘./lib/xmpp4log’

log = ‘login@host’, #jid ‘pass’, #password [‘[email protected]’, ‘[email protected]’] #array of users to receive the log )

log.level = Logger::ERROR log.error “Bonjour” log.debug “Message invisible” log.level = Logger::DEBUG log.debug “Message visible”

sleep 5

Usage from distant: ###################

all the users that can send message to the Logger account can:

  • set the debug level with : debug info warn error fatal

  • (de-)mute completely with : mute demute

Warning: ########

  • was done quick n dirty

  • not heavily maintained

  • no handling of stupid errors if xmpp server crashed

  • strangely threaded