YAC => Yet Another Cheet (Powered By Ruby)

YAC was inspired by 'chit' (http://github.com/robin/chit) by robin and 'cheat' (http://cheat.errtheblog.com/) by Chris Wanstrath,But @@@Colorful and Sexy!!!@@@


Cheat sheet is a concise set of notes used for quick reference.
YAC is a simple sexy command line tool for easy control cheatsheet.(Images can be found here: http://picasaweb.google.com/wosmvp/YacYetAnotherCheat)
Yes,It's support Image,PDF,Text, and can be easily enhance :)
Install, Use, Enjoy :)


Make sure you have ruby,git in your system . then:
$ (sudo) gem install yac -s http://gems.github.com

How To Use

To initialize repositories:

When you run any command,The repositories will be initialize automatically.

To show a cheat sheet:

$ yac (show) [cheatsheet] ( you can use * for any chars)
$ yac show lin*x

To edit a cheat sheet

$ yac edit [cheatsheet] (Yes,you can use * for any chars also,then choose one to edit)

To add a cheat sheet

$ yac add [cheatsheet] (OMG,you can also use *)
$ yac li*x/install
Then will display all directories match /li*x/,feel freely to choose one of them,
A new file named install.ch will be added to the directory!

To rm a cheat sheet

$ yac rm [cheatsheet] (Sure,you can use *)

Search all sheets

$ yac search [keyword] (@@@Take Attention:@@@ You are allowed to use perl-like Regex)
$ yac search lin.*x
And Even:
$ yac search "r(uby|ails)"

Update repositories

$ yac update main  => Update main repository
$ yac update all => Update all repositories
$ yac update => Update private repository


$ yac sh main => Open the main repository's shell
$ yac sh => Open the private repository's shell

Repository Push

$ yac push main => Push the main repository
$ yac push all => Push all repositories
$ yac push => Push the private repository

Rename a cheatsheet:

$ yac mv [orign_name] [new_name]

Help (display this file)

$ yac help


$ yac -v | version

Documents format

All text file add ".ch" as suffix for butter editor highlight
(A very very simple vim script can be found here : http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2399)

At the beginning of the row,plus N = for the N-class title

Use '#' at the beginning of a row to comment the line,You can use '\#' for '#'

Words wrapped by three @ for highlight

The configure file

Default use $HOME/.yacrc , See the example file under resources directory


Add @ before [keyword] will only affect the main repository


  • Ruby

  • rubygems

  • git


This software is shared by GPL3 License

Copyright © 2008 Jinzhu Zhang

BY: Jinzhu Zhang

www.zhangjinzhu.com wosmvp (no-spam) gmail (no-spam) com