Yahoo! Site Explorer
The Yahoo! Site Explorer service provides access to Yahoo!‘s information about web pages. The service stores information about links between web pages and and can gauge the popularity of a given page.
The Site Explorer APIs are limited to 5,000 queries per IP address per day and to noncommercial use. See information on rate limiting.
To install, simply:
gem install site-explorer
The following example queries Yahoo! Site Explorer for backlinks (inlink data) information about ‘’:
require 'yahoo_site_explorer'
service ='1234--MyAPIKeyHere=abcd--')
backlinks = service.backlinks('')
puts backlinks.total_results_available #=> 941822
puts backlinks.results.first.title #=> HTML page title
puts backlinks.results.first.url #=> HTML page title
puts backlinks.results.first.click_url #=> HTML page title
# Uses a cursor, requeries Yahoo! as necessary, and steps through all
# results.
backlinks.each do |link|
puts link.title
Supported Services
This library supports the following endpoints for the Yahoo! Site Explorer web service:
- Inlink Data
Shows the pages from other sites linking in to a page.
- Page Data
Shows a list of all pages belonging to a domain in the Yahoo! index.
Unsupported Services
The following endpoints are not currently supported by this library:
- Ping
Allows you to notify Yahoo! of changes to your site.
- Update Notification
Allows you to notify Yahoo! of changes to your site.
Yahoo! Site Explorer is owned, operated, and copyrighted © by Yahoo Inc.
Copyright © 2009 Nathaniel Bibler. See LICENSE for details.