Yahoo Finance Symbol-Suggest Gem

This gem wraps a very straightforward function: sending a HTTP GET request to Yahoo Finance web service, answering a prioritised array of stock symbol suggestions.

For example, Ruby statements:

require 'rubygems'
require 'yahoofinance-symbolsuggest'
require 'yaml'
y YahooFinance::SymbolSuggest.query("aapl")

output an array of hashes, in YAML:

- symbol: AAPL
  name: Apple Inc.
  exch: NMS
  type: S
  exchDisp: NASDAQ
  typeDisp: Equity
- symbol: ^AVSPY
  name: NASDAQ OMX Alpha AAPL vs. SPY I
  exch: NAS
  type: I
  exchDisp: NASDAQ
  typeDisp: Index
- symbol: AAPL.MX
  name: Apple Inc.
  exch: MEX
  type: S
  exchDisp: Mexico
  typeDisp: Equity
- symbol: AAPL11BF.SA
  name: APPLE       -DRN     MB
  exch: SAO
  type: S
  exchDisp: Sao Paolo
  typeDisp: Equity

As a gem, the main purpose is to encapsulate all the requirements, assumptions and dependencies in one place: with a Ruby gem. Change the gem only to update all other higher-level software which requires access to Yahoo Finance's symbol suggestions. Hence, the gem fulfils an architectural purpose as much as a functional one. Its simple purpose is to distance Yahoo dependencies from any clients that might want to access symbol-suggestion services. The gem might come to live in the open-source community and be maintained by it, possibly even by Yahoo themselves.


Install from the Git repository to your local collection of Ruby gems using:

rake install