YoPass - Share Secrets Securely

Build Status

YoPass is a website for sharing secrets in a quick and secure manner. This project is created to minimize the amount of passwords floating around in ticket management systems, IRC logs and emails. YoPass generates a one-time URL with an expiration date so you don't have to worry about passwords being visible forever

  • AES-256 encryption
  • Secrets can only be viewed once
  • No secrets are written to disk
  • No account or user management required
  • Secrets self destruct after X hours
  • Rate limiting
  • Decryption key can be sent over SMS

Installation / Configuration

gem install yopass
  • install and start memcached
  • edit conf/yopass.yaml and move it to desired location (don't forge to specify that path in the YOPASS_CONFIG environment variable)
  • done!

Most settings can be configured with environment variables.


Run in docker container

YoPass Docker container available here

make sure to change YOPASS_BASE_URL

docker run -e "RACK_ENV=production" -e "YOPASS_BASE_URL=" -p 4567:4567 -d jhaals/yopass

SMS providers

Lacking your SMS provider? Just fork the repo and submit a pull request. Use the bulksms provider in lib/sms_provider/bulksms.rb as example

Supported Providers



YoPass website