
This library is a work in progress

YouTubeRB is a Ruby library for interacting with the YouTube Data v3 API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'youtuberb'


Set Client Details

Firstly you'll need to set an API Key. A user Access Token is required to access private data. An Access Token will be an OAuth2 token generated after authentication.

# To access public data, just an API Key is required
@client = "")

# Or to access data for a user, an Access Token is also required
@client = "", access_token: "")


# Get the Channel details of the currently authenticated user

# Get a Channel by ID
@client.channels.retrieve(id: "channel_id")

# Get a Channel by username
@client.channels.retrieve(username: "username")


# Get a single video
@client.videos.list(id: "abc123")
# => #<YouTube::Video...

# Get multiple videos
@client.videos.list(ids: ["abc123", "123abc"])
# => #<YouTube::Collection...

# Liked videos for the currently authenticated user
# => #<YouTube::Collection...

# Get a video owned by the current user. This retrieves extra information so will only work on videos owned by the current user.
@client.videos.retrieve(id: "abc123")
# => #<YouTube::Video...

Getting a list of Videos for a Channel

# First, grab the Channel details
channel = @client.channels.retrieve(id: "channel_id")

# Then use the Playlist Items endpoint to get the Videos
@client.playlist_items.list playlist_id: channel.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads

# Or use the Search endpoint channelId:


# Playlists created by the authenticated user

# Playlists for a Channel
@client.playlists.list(channel_id: "channel")

# Return a set number of results & use the page_token to select the next/previous page
@client.playlists.list(max_results: 5, page_token: "page_token")

@client.playlists.retrieve(id: "playlist_id")
@client.playlists.create(title: "My Playlist")
@client.playlists.update(id: "playlist_id", title: "My Playlist", privacy_status: "public")
@client.playlists.delete(id: "playlist_id")

Playlist Items

# Playlist Items for a Playlist
@client.playlist_items.list(playlist_id: "playlist_id")

@client.playlist_items.retrieve(id: "playlist_item_id")

# Add a video to a playlist
@client.playlist_items.create(playlist_id: "playlist_id", video_id: "video_id")

@client.playlist_items.update(id: "playlist_item_id", playlist_id: "playlist_id", video_id: "video_id")

@client.playlist_items.delete(id: "playlist_id")

For a full list of parameters, see the YouTube API Docs.

# Search YouTube for a term "search term")

# Restrict the search to a channel "channel")

# Search a channel for videos only and ordered by date "channel", type: "video", order: "date")


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.