
Zabby is a Ruby library and client for Zabbix. It provides a simple and clean interface to the Zabbix Web Services.


There already are Ruby Zabbix libraries but some of them are unfinished (and apparently abandonned) and some other’s code is too complicated or poorly designed. This is why I decided to write another tool for which my primary goal is to keep the code design, the user interaction and application interface clean and simple.

Zabby has the following caracteristics:

  • Works both as a Ruby API and a command line tool.

  • Uses an internal Ruby DSL (Domain Specific Langage) that give access to the full power of Ruby scripting in your configurarion files. No need for a specific configuration language.

  • Simple design: avoids spaghetti code, WTF and facepalm, unlike some other Ruby Zabbix libraries.


  • Low level Ruby API that maps every Zabbix API (JSON RPC) to Ruby hashes.

  • Higher level Ruby DSL, both available in pure Ruby and for writing configuration files.

  • Supports SSL and authenticated HTTP proxies.

  • Full featured IRB like shell included with Readline support. You can mix Zabbix instructions with Ruby calls transparently.


The file ~/.zabbyrc is read on startup unless the option “--no-rcfile” is used.

Command line

--[no-]rcfile [CONFIG FILE]:  Configuration file to load on startup. Default is '~/.zabbyrc'. With the 'no' prefix no configuration file will be loaded.
-f, --extra-file COMMAND_FILE:    Execute the instructions in COMMAND_FILE

Zabby configuration

The following settings can be configured with the ‘set’ command:


Zabbix webservice URL. If the URL does not end with .php then /api_jsonrpc.php is appended automatically.


User login with API rights on the Zabbix Server. If the account does not have API access the connection will be refused by Zabbix.


User password.


HTTP proxy.SSL is supported and the certificate validity is not checked. Optional


User authentication on the proxy. Optional


User password on the proxy. Optional

Sample “.zabbyrc”

This is a configuration .zabbyrc file example, it will be loaded at startup:

# Zabby configuration
set :server => ""
set :user => "api_user"
set :password => "s3cr3t"
set :proxy_host => ""
set :proxy_user => "john"
set :proxy_password => "D0e"


API use

The barebone API can be used in Ruby like this:

require "rubygems"
require "zabby"
require "pp"

z = Zabby.init do
  server ""
  user "api_user"
  password "s3cr3t"
  proxy_host ""
  proxy_user "john"
  proxy_password "D0e"

pp z.connection.perform_request("host", "get", { "filter" => { "host" => "" } })
pp z.connection.perform_request("item", "get", { "host" => "", "output" => "shorten" })
  • The server, user and passord are necessary.

  • If you don’t provide the path to the JSON-RPC script “/api_jsonrpc.php” is appended to the URI automatically.

  • The proxy_* settings are optionnal.


zabbysh is an simple Zabbix Shell. It runs either interactively or can be used to execute a command file with the “-f CMD_FILE” option.

If the command file does not end with “exit” then the program drops into the shell after executing the file.

zabbysh provides Readline support but does no support advanced IRB features likes multi-lines instructions.

zabbyrb is another Zabbix Shell based on IRB. It provides the whole power of IRB but may be less stable than zabbysh because the IRB API is poorly documented and hard to use.

Interactive shell

# zabbysh
zabby> set server ""
zabby> set user "api_user"
zabby> set password "s3cr3t"
zabby> set proxy_host ""
zabby> set proxy_user "john"
zabby> set proxy_password "D0e"
zabby> login
zabby> puts logged_in?
zabby> host.get "filter" => { "host" => "" }, "output" => "extend"
zabby> item.get "host" => "", "output" => "refer"
zabby> [...]
zabby> logout
zabby> exit

Execute a command script

Create a file and put the same instructions as above in it, then execute zabbysh:

# zabbysh --file my_zabbix_commands.txt



  • JSON library: ‘json’ or ‘json_pure’

  • OptionParser

  • Readline (optionnal, used by the interactive shell)



All contributions are welcome. You can either open a ticket on Github, send a pull request with a patch or send an email to the author.


Farzad FARID [email protected]

Thanks to

  • Jean-Hadrien Chabran (jhchabran): Advices on code design.

  • Nicolas Blanco (slainer68): Advices on code design and Triple Facepalming after reading other Ruby/Zabbix code.

  • Renaud Chaput (renchap): For suggesting the “zabby” name.

Sources of inspiration

  • Adam Wiggins’s Rush for the interactive shell.

  • Other Zabbix Ruby libraries (only the good parts ;) ):


Zabcon is a command line interface for Zabbix written in Ruby


Zabbix API client for Ruby


Rubix is a Ruby client for Zabbix


This software is release under the Simplified BSD license. See the LICENSE file.