CuteKV – based at Ruby for object-key/value map

Main features

  • Independent Object Storage

    Through backend_configure to appoint storage location

class User < ActiveObject::Base backend_configure :TT,“” end

  • Customize define persistent properties you can assign persitent properties by <t>assign</t> method,and set default value for each property.

class User

include CuteKV::Document

backend_configure :TT,“” assign :name,:email, :gender=>‘male’, :age=>25 end

==Object's associations

 Using CuteKV::associations module, we can description associations between objects

class User

include CuteKV::Document

backend_configure :TT,“” assign :name,:email, :gender=>‘male’, :age=>25 end

CuteKV::associations::map(User=>:icon, Icon=>:user)  #=>user has one icon and icon belongs to one user
CuteKV::associations::map(User=>:friends)            #=>user has many friends

class Icon < ActiveObject::Base

include CuteKV::Document

backend_configure :TT,“” assign :content end

 now CuteKV support validations by a simple method <t>validate</t> from CuteKV::Validations module
 I just keep it simple or i will improve it to approach activerecord's validations
 class User
   include CuteKV::Document

incude CuteKV::Validations backend_configure :TT,“” assign :name,:email, :gender=>‘male’, :age=>25 validate :name_presence_valid

def name_presence_valid errors.add(:name, “name should not blank”) if end


@jim = User.create() #=>nil User.find( #=>nil @jim.errors_message_on(:name) #=>“name should not blank”


class User

include CuteKV::Document

backend_configure :TT,“” assign :name,:email, :gender=>‘male’, :age=>25 end

 @jim = User.create(:name=>"jim", :email=>"[email protected]")
 @aaron = User.create(:name=>"aaron", :email=>"[email protected]")
 @jack= User.create(:name=>"jack", :email=>"[email protected]")
 @lucy = User.create(:name=>"lucy", :email=>"[email protected]")
 Useing CuteKV::Indexer module, you can build index for object, just like:
  CuteKV::Indexer::map(User=>[:name, :email, :age])
    User.indexes << @jim
    User.indexes << @aaron
    User.indexes << @lucy
  User.find_all_by_name("jim")   #=>@jim
  User.find_all_by_age(25)   #=>@jim, @aaron, @lucy, @jack

== Supoort multiple database

CuteKV using adapter to connect backend support:TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant/LightCloud。

Using in rails

in environment.rb, you will add

require ‘cutekv’