Vagrant driver for Zerg


Additional properties defined

Synchronized folders

Defined by Vagrant synced folders

Example use:

"create": true,
"mount_options": ["rw", "vers=3", "tcp"]

Defined by Vagrant networking

Example use:

"type": "public_network",
"bridge": "en1: Wi-Fi (AirPort)"
Driver options
  • providertype - One of the supported Vagrant providers. Currenlty supported providers are: virtualbox, libvirt, aws
  • provider_options - hash of provider specific options.
  • raw_options - if some of the provider options do not map to a hash format - you can specify them as an array of strings. Each string should start with '[provider].'

Example use:

"driver": {
    "drivertype": "vagrant",
    "driveroptions": [
            "providertype": "aws",
            "provider_options" : {
                "instance_type": "t1.micro",
                "access_key_id": "blah blah blah",
                "secret_access_key": "yadda yadda",
                "keypair_name": "HURGHBURGHLGHRL",
                "ami": "ami-3fec7956",
                "region": "us-east-1"
            "providertype": "virtualbox",
            "provider_options" : {
                "gui": false,
                "memory": 256
            "raw_options": [
                "virtualbox.customize [\"modifyvm\", :id,  \"--natdnsproxy1\", \"off\"]",
                "virtualbox.customize [\"modifyvm\", :id,  \"--natdnshostresolver1\", \"off\"]"
Forwarded ports

Defined by Vagrant forwarded ports

Example use:

"guest_port": 8080,
"host_port": 80,
"protocol": "tcp"

Defined by Vagrant SSH

Example use:

"username": "ubuntu",
"private_key_path": "PATH_TO_YOUR_PK",
"shell": "bash -l"

Describes what tasks a VM should run at provisioning step