
ZimbraWsdl just provides a valid WSDL document for the VMware Zimbra Soap API that can be used with any soap library.

The gem just provides a valid document and a method that returns the path to it, so you can just require this gem in your Gemfile and you get a (hopefully) updated and community backed version of the Zimbra API WSDL.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'zimbra_wsdl'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install zimbra_wsdl


The only method provided is ZimbraWsdl.admin_wsdl and returns the absolute path to the wsdl document. You can then use the document however you want.

Example usage with savon:

require 'savon'
require 'zimbra_wsdl'

ZIMBRA_SERVER = "zimbra.example.com"
ZIMBRA_ADMIN_USERNAME = "[email protected]"

Savon.configure do |config|
  config.log = false
  config.log_level = :info
  # config.logger = Logger.new('/tmp/zimbra_wsdl_savon_example.log')

client = Savon::Client.new do
  wsdl.document = ZimbraWsdl.admin_wsdl
  wsdl.endpoint = "https://#{ZIMBRA_SERVER}:7071/service/admin/soap"
  http.auth.ssl.verify_mode = :none

# Authenticate your client (NOTICE: ruby 1.9 hash syntax)
client.request :auth_request, body: { name: ZIMBRA_ADMIN_USERNAME, password: ZIMBRA_ADMIN_PASSWORD }

# Once authenticated you can call any api method
accounts_response = client.request :get_all_accounts_request
accounts = accounts_response.to_array(:get_all_accounts_response, :account)

accounts.each do ||
  puts [:@name]


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