Zimki is a text conversion tool which translates files written in zimki Desktop Wiki to textile.


Type in your console

gem install zimki

and you can use the gem.


Here is an example how you can use it.

require 'zimki'

zimki = Zimki.new

A typical text file in the zimki format can be found in this repository under spec/source/src.txt. The output will be written in the console - so then copy the things you need.

Current translation status

Currently the gem can translate the following constructs. On the left you can see the zimki format and on the right of the arrow you can see the textile pendant.

General constructs

//italique// => _italique_
**bold** => *bold*
__highlight => @highlight@


==== The 10-day MBA ==== => h1. The 10-day MBA
=== The 10-day MBA === => h2. The 10-day MBA
== The 10-day MBA == => h3. The 10-day MBA
[[http://wikimatze.de|wikimatze]] => "wikimatze":http://wikimatze.de
{{~/Dropbox/pics/Screenshot.png}} => !http://~/Dropbox/pics/Screenshot.png!


* first bullet
  * second bulltet
    * third bullet
      * fourth


* first bullet
** second bulltet
*** third bullet
**** fourth


Feature request, bugs, questions, etc. can be send to [email protected].


This software is licensed under the MIT license.

© 2011-2013 Matthias Guenther [email protected].