Class: Ziya::Charts::Support::ChartRect

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Sets the chart’s rectangle

x: The horizontal position of the rectangle’s upper left corner relative to the upper

left corner of the canvas (0, 0).

y: The vertical position of the rectangle’s upper left corner relative to the upper

left corner of the canvas (0, 0).

width: The rectangle’s width. height: The rectangle’s height. positive_color: The chart’s background color above the zero line. This must be a string holding triple

hexadecimal values representing the red, green, and blue components for a color.
The default is "FFFFFF" (white).

negative_color: The chart’s background color below the zero line. This must be a string holding triple

hexadecimal values representing the red, green, and blue components for a color.
The default is "000000" (black).

positive_alpha: The transparency value of the background color above the zero line. Valid values are 0

(fully transparent) to 100 (fully opaque).
The default is 75.

negative_alpha: The transparency value of the background color below the zero line. Valid values are 0

(fully transparent) to 100 (fully opaque).
The default is 20.

See for additional documentation, examples and futher detail.

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Base

#==, attributes, #attributes_for, #configured?, #flatten, has_attribute, #has_sub_components, #initialize, #merge, #options, #options_as_string

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Ziya::Charts::Support::Base