
Zypper-Upgraderepo helps to check and upgrade the repositories used in your system for the current, next or a custom valid version, reporting the errors and trying to find a replacement when possible.

It can be also be installed as Zypper plugin using the Zypper Upgraderepo Plugin.

Ruby Gem Version


There are a couple of options to install this application.


Install it as a regular Ruby gem with:

$ gem install zypper-upgraderepo

From the openSUSE Build Service repository

This application has been packaged in my personal OBS repository so you can install It as a common RPM package:

  • Add the repository URL in your list;
  • install the package from Yast or Zypper.

Being the repository URL slightly changing from a version to another, I included all the steps in the related project page at my blog.


Warning!!! The executables name prior the 1.8.0 version is zypper-upgraderepo, unfortunately the RPM package installation introduces annoying copies of the same executable having a version appended (zypper-upgraderepo.version, zypper-upgraderepo.rubyversion, zypper-upgraderepo.rubyversion.version) interpreted by zypper itself as different subcommands. So I considered more convenient to remove the zypper prefix from the original executable and let the sole zypper-upgraderepo-plugin package install it as a zypper plugin.

To check the availability of the current repositories:

$ upgraderepo

To check the availability of the next version repositories:

$ upgraderepo --check-next

To upgrade the repositories to the next version:

$ sudo upgraderepo --upgrade

Get help

Where to start:

$ upgraderepo --help

More Help:

More info is available at: