
Fantastically easy overlays using Hotwire.

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Load any page inside an overlay (dialog modal, slide-out pane, or whatever else floats your boat). As easy as replacing link_to with link_to_dialog.


Built on top of your existing code
No need to bend your codebase in weird ways or add lots of lines that feel out of place. Just change a link whenever you want something to open as an overlay. **The rest of your views, controllers and helpers stay the same**.
Reuse your existing overlay views
Already have a partial for your gorgeous dialog modal? **Just tell Overlastic about it inside an initializer** and it will handle the rest.
Progressive enhancement
Are you a compulsive tab opener? Overlay links render as normal pages if you open them in a new tab. On top of that, everything will **still work perfectly without Javascript**. Overlay links will just turn into _blank links.


This gem requires a modern Rails application running turbo-rails. It supports both import map and node setups.

  1. bundle add overlastic
  2. rails overlastic:install


Most of the time you’ll just need to replace a link_to with one of the overlay helpers:

erb <%= link_to_dialog "Open dialog", edit_article_path %> <%= link_to_pane "Open slide-out pane", edit_article_path %> <%= link_to_overlay "Open default overlay type", edit_article_path %> <%= link_to_overlay "Open dialog", edit_article_path, overlay_type: :dialog %>

They work just as link_to and accept the same options. You can also pass locals to the overlay view:

erb <%= link_to_dialog "Open dialog", edit_article_path, overlay_args: { title: "Dialog title" } %>

Nested overlays will stack on top of each other. You can instead replace the last one or the whole stack:

erb <%= link_to_dialog "Open dialog", edit_article_path, overlay: :last %> <%= link_to_dialog "Open dialog", edit_article_path, overlay: :first %>

By default, links and forms inside an overlay will drive the entire page (target _top). To keep navigation within the overlay you can set its target to _self:

erb <%= link_to_dialog "Open dialog", edit_article_path, overlay_target: :_self %>

To break out of an overlay with target _self you can use:

erb <%= link_to "Open whole page", edit_article_path, overlay: false %>

A common use case is to render a form inside an overlay. When the form is submitted, you’ll validate the data and redirect to a different page if it’s successful or render the form again with errors. Overlastic will handle both cases gracefully without any modifications:

rb if @article.save redirect_to article_url(@article), status: :see_other else render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity end

In case the form overlay was nested inside another overlay, you could prefer to apply the redirection to the parent overlay:

rb redirect_to article_url(@article), overlay: :previous, status: :see_other

Intermediate features

Adapting a view using the overlay variant
Sometimes, you may want to alter the content of a view depending on whether it's inside an overlay or not. Overlastic defines a new `:overlay` request variant that you can use to create custom views like `new.html+overlay.erb` or inside a controller like so: ```rb respond_to do |format| format.turbo_stream.overlay { render :custom_view } format.turbo_stream.any format.html end ```
Closing an overlay from the server
If you don't need to render any more content you can also close an overlay from the server: ```rb if request.variant.overlay? close_overlay # close_overlay :last # close_overlay :all # close_overlay :overlay2 else redirect_to articles_url, status: :see_other end ```
Attaching to lifecycle events
If you want to add custom behavior every time an overlay is removed or attached to the DOM, you can listen to their lifecycle events: - `overlastic:connected` - `overlastic:disconnected` They target the first element in your view to make it easy to add listeners using libraries like Stimulus. You could, for example, have something like this: ```html
``` The `overlastic:disconnect` event can be paused and resumed, which allows you to run lengthy functions, like animations, before being closed or replaced by another overlay: ```js close(event) { event.preventDefault() this.leave().then(() => { event.detail.resume() }) } ``` If there are many overlays being closed at the same time, all of them will be dispatched an `overlastic:disconnect` event. This is great to have independent animations for each of them.

Advanced features

Appending Turbo Streams to close_overlay
Sometimes, you may want not only to close an overlay, but also to deliver some other page change using a Turbo Stream: ```rb close_overlay do turbo_stream.prepend("flash-messages", "Deleted!") end ```
Appending Turbo Streams to every response
Overlastic can be configured to append a Turbo Stream to every response that contains an overlay. This can be very useful for automatically rendering new flash messages whenever they're available: ```rb Overlastic.configure do |config| config.append_turbo_stream do turbo_stream.replace("flash-messages", partial: "shared/flash_messages") end end ``` Then you'd only need to specify a flash message inside your action, when closing an overlay, or when redirecting to a different path: ```rb def show flash.now[:notice] = "You've been noticed!" end # or close_overlay notice: "Deleted!" # or redirect_to articles_path, notice: "Deleted!", status: :see_other ```
Rendering an overlay without an initiator
Overlastic extends the `render` method inside a controller to add all the same options as `link_to_overlay`. This allows you to force an action to render an overlay, even if it wasn't requested: ```rb render :new, overlay: :first, overlay_target: :_self, overlay_args: { title: "New article" } # render :edit, overlay: :last, overlay_type: :pane ```


```rb # config/initializers/overlastic.rb

Overlastic.configure do |config| config.overlay_types = %i[dialog pane] config.default_overlay = :dialog # Options: One of the defined overlay types config.default_action = :stack # Options: :stack, :replace_last, :replace_all config.default_target = :_top # Options: :_top, :_self

# You can define a custom partial for each overlay type config.dialog_overlay_view_path = “overlays/dialog” config.pane_overlay_view_path = “overlays/pane”

# You can append Turbo Streams to every response containing an overlay config.append_turbo_stream do turbo_stream.replace(“flash-messages”, partial: “shared/flash_messages”) end end ```

UI customization

Overlastic comes with default views for both the dialog and pane overlays. They are intended to provide an easy way to try the gem. For real-world usage you’re expected to implement your own UI elements, or use something like Bootstrap or TailwindCSS Stimulus Components.

Default overlays
**Dialog** Dialog
**Pane** Dialog
Generate customizable views
Overlastic provides a generator to build your own views using the default overlays as a base. It's not advisable, though. You're better off using a UI library. ```sh # Available options: inline, tailwind ./bin/rails generate overlastic:views --css tailwind ```


Running the demo application
- First you need to install dependencies with `bundle && yarn && yarn build` - Then you need to setup the DB with `rails db:setup` - Lastly you can run the demo app with `rails server --port 3000`
Running the tests
- You can run the whole suite with `./bin/test test/**/*_test.rb`


Overlastic is released under the MIT License.