Method: Process.wait2

Defined in:

.wait2(pid = -1, flags = 0) ⇒ Array .waitpid2(pid = -1, flags = 0) ⇒ Array

Waits for a child process to exit (see Process::waitpid for exact semantics) and returns an array containing the process id and the exit status (a Process::Status object) of that child. Raises a SystemError if there are no child processes.

Process.fork { exit 99 }   #=> 27437
pid, status = Process.wait2
pid                        #=> 27437
status.exitstatus          #=> 99


  • .wait2(pid = -1, flags = 0) ⇒ Array


  • .waitpid2(pid = -1, flags = 0) ⇒ Array


# File 'process.c'

static VALUE
proc_wait2(int argc, VALUE *argv)
    VALUE pid = proc_wait(argc, argv);
    if (NIL_P(pid)) return Qnil;
    return rb_assoc_new(pid, rb_last_status_get());