
  • Compatability with Sea Lion (OS X 10.9)
    • You can no longer send simulated input directly to an object, we now approximate the old behaviour by trying to set focus to the element before simulating system wide input


  • AXElements can now run on MRI as well as MacRuby

  • Added DSL#pinch to simulate pinch gestures

  • Added DSL#rotate to simulate rotation gestures

  • Added DSL#swipe to simulate swipe gestures

  • Added DSL#smart_magnify to simulate smart magnification (two finger double tap)

  • Added DSL#horizontal_scroll

  • Added DSL#contextual_menu hack for finding contextual menus (WIP)

  • Added NSScreen.wakeup to the NSScreen class to wake up sleeping displays

  • Added Accessibility::SystemInfo for getting information about the running system

    • Added a Battery module for querying information about the battery status
  • Added DSL#record to run a screen recording of the given block (actual video!)

  • Added Application.frontmost_application

  • Added Application.menu_bar_owner

  • Added Application.finder

  • Added Application.dock

  • Added SystemWide.focused_application as override of built in attribute

  • Added SystemWide.status_items

  • Added SystemWide.desktop

  • Added History.markdown to track notable changes

  • Added CONTRIBUTING.markdown with much less stringent guidelines

  • Moved MiniTest extensions to their own gem/repository minitest-ax_elements

  • Moved RSpec extensions to their own gem/repository rspec-ax_elements

  • Ported mouse.rb to C and moved code to mouse

  • Ported core.rb to C and moved code to accessibility_core

  • Ported screen_recorder.rb to C and moved code to screen_recorder

  • Changed DSL#right_click to accept a block; block is yielded to between click down and click up events

  • Changed AX::Element#rect to AX::Element#to_rect

  • Deprecate AX::DOCK constant, use AX::Application.dock instead

  • Remove Accessibility.application_with_bundle_identifier; use AX::Application.new instead

  • Remove Accessibility.application_with_name; useAX::Application.new` instead

  • Remove DSL#subtree_for; use Element#inspect_subtree instead

  • Fixed fetching parameterized attributes through Element#method_missing

  • Fixed Element#parameterized_attribute automatically normalizing Range parameters