
A Ruby gem to turn your log files into exceptions.


gem install Exceptional_Log


require "Exceptional_Log"

e = Exceptional_Log("/my_apps/logs/thin_a.log")

e.class      # --> Thin_A 
e.message    # --> '/my_apps/logs/thin_a.log'
e.backtrace  # --> Array
e.exception  # --> self
e.created_at # --> File.stat(file).atime
e.to_hash    # --> Hash[ :exception => ..., :message => ..., :created_at => ..., :backtrace => ... ]

Each exception is a subclass of Exceptional_Log and is named based on the basename of the file path.

Nginx/HTTP Error Logs

For NGINX error logs (not access logs), try looking at the Http_Error_Log.

Run Tests

git clone git@github.com:da99/Exceptional_Log.git
cd Exceptional_Log
bundle update
bundle exec bacon spec/lib/main.rb

"I hate writing."

If you know of existing software that makes the above redundant, please tell me. The last thing I want to do is maintain code.