Module: Linguistics::EN
- Defined in:
- lib/linguistics/en.rb,
This file contains functions for deriving the infinitive forms of conjugated English words. Requiring this file adds functions and constants to the Linguistics::EN module.
Michael Granger <[email protected]>
Copyright © 2003-2005 The FaerieMUD Consortium. All rights reserved.
This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this software under the terms of the Perl Artistic License. (See
This code was ported from the excellent ‘Lingua::EN::Infinitive’ Perl module by Ron Savage, which is distributed under the following license:
Australian copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ron Savage.
All Programs of mine are 'OSI Certified Open Source Software';
you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of
The Artistic License, a copy of which is available at:
# == Version
$Id: infinitive.rb,v 1.2 2003/09/14 10:35:32 deveiant Exp $
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: Infinitive
Constant Summary collapse
- SVNRev =
Subversion revision
- SVNId =
Subversion revision tag
%q$Id: en.rb,v 1.8 2003/09/14 10:47:12 deveiant Exp $
- PL_sb_irregular_s =
{ "ephemeris" => "ephemerides", "iris" => "irises|irides", "clitoris" => "clitorises|clitorides", "corpus" => "corpuses|corpora", "opus" => "opuses|opera", "genus" => "genera", "mythos" => "mythoi", "penis" => "penises|penes", "testis" => "testes", }
- PL_sb_irregular_h =
{ "child" => "children", "brother" => "brothers|brethren", "loaf" => "loaves", "hoof" => "hoofs|hooves", "beef" => "beefs|beeves", "money" => "monies", "mongoose" => "mongooses", "ox" => "oxen", "cow" => "cows|kine", "soliloquy" => "soliloquies", "graffito" => "graffiti", "prima donna" => "prima donnas|prime donne", "octopus" => "octopuses|octopodes", "genie" => "genies|genii", "ganglion" => "ganglions|ganglia", "trilby" => "trilbys", "turf" => "turfs|turves", }.update( PL_sb_irregular_s )
- PL_sb_irregular =
matchgroup PL_sb_irregular_h.keys
- PL_sb_C_a_ata =
Classical “..a” -> “..ata”
matchgroup %w[ anathema bema carcinoma charisma diploma dogma drama edema enema enigma lemma lymphoma magma melisma miasma oedema sarcoma schema soma stigma stoma trauma gumma pragma ].collect {|word| word[0...-1]}
- PL_sb_U_a_ae =
Unconditional “..a” -> “”
matchgroup %w[ alumna alga vertebra persona ]
- PL_sb_C_a_ae =
Classical “..a” -> “”
matchgroup %w[ amoeba antenna formula hyperbola medusa nebula parabola abscissa hydra nova lacuna aurora .*umbra flora fauna ]
- PL_sb_C_en_ina =
Classical “..en” -> “..ina”
matchgroup %w[ stamen foramen lumen ].collect {|word| word[0...-2] }
- PL_sb_U_um_a =
Unconditional “” -> “..a”
matchgroup %w[ bacterium agendum desideratum erratum stratum datum ovum extremum candelabrum ].collect {|word| word[0...-2] }
- PL_sb_C_um_a =
Classical “” -> “..a”
matchgroup %w[ maximum minimum momentum optimum quantum cranium curriculum dictum phylum aquarium compendium emporium enconium gymnasium honorarium interregnum lustrum memorandum millenium rostrum spectrum speculum stadium trapezium ultimatum medium vacuum velum consortium ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_U_us_i =
Unconditional “” -> “i”
matchgroup %w[ alumnus alveolus bacillus bronchus locus nucleus stimulus meniscus ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_us_i =
Classical “” -> “..i”
matchgroup %w[ focus radius genius incubus succubus nimbus fungus nucleolus stylus torus umbilicus uterus hippopotamus ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_us_us =
Classical “” -> “” (assimilated 4th declension latin nouns)
matchgroup %w[ status apparatus prospectus sinus hiatus impetus plexus ]
- PL_sb_U_on_a =
Unconditional “..on” -> “a”
matchgroup %w[ criterion perihelion aphelion phenomenon prolegomenon noumenon organon asyndeton hyperbaton ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_on_a =
Classical “..on” -> “..a”
matchgroup %w[ oxymoron ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_o_i_a =
Classical “..o” -> “..i” (but normally -> “..os”)
%w[ solo soprano basso alto contralto tempo piano ]
- PL_sb_C_o_i =
matchgroup PL_sb_C_o_i_a.collect{|word| word[0...-1]}
- PL_sb_U_o_os =
Always “..o” -> “..os”
matchgroup( %w[ albino archipelago armadillo commando crescendo fiasco ditto dynamo embryo ghetto guano inferno jumbo lumbago magneto manifesto medico octavo photo pro quarto canto lingo generalissimo stylo rhino ] | PL_sb_C_o_i_a )
- PL_sb_U_ex_ices =
Unconditional “..[ei]x” -> “..ices”
matchgroup %w[ codex murex silex ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_U_ix_ices =
matchgroup %w[ radix helix ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_ex_ices =
Classical “..[ei]x” -> “..ices”
matchgroup %w[ vortex vertex cortex latex pontifex apex index simplex ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_ix_ices =
matchgroup %w[ appendix ].collect {|word| word[0...-2]}
- PL_sb_C_i =
Arabic: “..” -> “..i”
matchgroup %w[ afrit afreet efreet ]
- PL_sb_C_im =
Hebrew: “..” -> “”
matchgroup %w[ goy seraph cherub ]
- PL_sb_U_man_mans =
Unconditional “” -> “..mans”
matchgroup %w[ human Alabaman Bahaman Burman German Hiroshiman Liman Nakayaman Oklahoman Panaman Selman Sonaman Tacoman Yakiman Yokohaman Yuman ]
- PL_sb_uninflected_s =
[ # Pairs or groups subsumed to a singular... "breeches", "britches", "clippers", "gallows", "hijinks", "headquarters", "pliers", "scissors", "testes", "herpes", "pincers", "shears", "proceedings", "trousers", # Unassimilated Latin 4th declension "cantus", "coitus", "nexus", # Recent imports... "contretemps", "corps", "debris", ".*ois", # Diseases ".*measles", "mumps", # Miscellaneous others... "diabetes", "jackanapes", "series", "species", "rabies", "chassis", "innings", "news", "mews", ]
- PL_sb_uninflected_herd =
Don’t inflect in classical mode, otherwise normal inflection
matchgroup %w[ wildebeest swine eland bison buffalo elk moose rhinoceros ]
- PL_sb_uninflected =
matchgroup [ # Some fish and herd animals ".*fish", "tuna", "salmon", "mackerel", "trout", "bream", "sea[- ]bass", "carp", "cod", "flounder", "whiting", ".*deer", ".*sheep", # All nationals ending in -ese "Portuguese", "Amoyese", "Borghese", "Congoese", "Faroese", "Foochowese", "Genevese", "Genoese", "Gilbertese", "Hottentotese", "Kiplingese", "Kongoese", "Lucchese", "Maltese", "Nankingese", "Niasese", "Pekingese", "Piedmontese", "Pistoiese", "Sarawakese", "Shavese", "Vermontese", "Wenchowese", "Yengeese", ".*[nrlm]ese", # Some words ending in ...s (often pairs taken as a whole) PL_sb_uninflected_s, # Diseases ".*pox", # Other oddities "graffiti", "djinn" ]
- PL_sb_singular_s =
Singular words ending in …s (all inflect with …es)
matchgroup %w[ .*ss acropolis aegis alias arthritis asbestos atlas bathos bias bronchitis bursitis caddis cannabis canvas chaos cosmos dais digitalis encephalitis epidermis ethos eyas gas glottis hepatitis hubris ibis lens mantis marquis metropolis neuritis pathos pelvis polis rhinoceros sassafras tonsillitis trellis .*us ]
- PL_v_special_s =
matchgroup [ PL_sb_singular_s, PL_sb_uninflected_s, PL_sb_irregular_s.keys, '(.*[csx])is', '(.*)ceps', '[A-Z].*s', ]
- PL_sb_postfix_adj =
'(' + { 'general' => ['(?!major|lieutenant|brigadier|adjutant)\S+'], 'martial' => ["court"], }.collect {|key,val| matchgroup( matchgroup(val) + "(?=(?:-|\\s+)#{key})" ) }.join("|") + ")(.*)"
- PL_sb_military =
- PL_sb_general =
- PL_prep =
matchgroup %w[ about above across after among around at athwart before behind below beneath beside besides between betwixt beyond but by during except for from in into near of off on onto out over since till to under until unto upon with ]
- PL_sb_prep_dual_compound =
- PL_sb_prep_compound =
- PL_pron_nom_h =
{ # Nominative Reflexive "i" => "we", "myself" => "ourselves", "you" => "you", "yourself" => "yourselves", "she" => "they", "herself" => "themselves", "he" => "they", "himself" => "themselves", "it" => "they", "itself" => "themselves", "they" => "they", "themself" => "themselves", # Possessive "mine" => "ours", "yours" => "yours", "hers" => "theirs", "his" => "theirs", "its" => "theirs", "theirs" => "theirs", }
- PL_pron_nom =
matchgroup PL_pron_nom_h.keys
- PL_pron_acc_h =
{ # Accusative Reflexive "me" => "us", "myself" => "ourselves", "you" => "you", "yourself" => "yourselves", "her" => "them", "herself" => "themselves", "him" => "them", "himself" => "themselves", "it" => "them", "itself" => "themselves", "them" => "them", "themself" => "themselves", }
- PL_pron_acc =
matchgroup PL_pron_acc_h.keys
- PL_v_irregular_pres_h =
{ # 1St pers. sing. 2nd pers. sing. 3rd pers. singular # 3rd pers. (indet.) "am" => "are", "are" => "are", "is" => "are", "was" => "were", "were" => "were", "was" => "were", "have" => "have", "have" => "have", "has" => "have", }
- PL_v_irregular_pres =
matchgroup PL_v_irregular_pres_h.keys
- PL_v_ambiguous_pres_h =
{ # 1st pers. sing. 2nd pers. sing. 3rd pers. singular # 3rd pers. (indet.) "act" => "act", "act" => "act", "acts" => "act", "blame" => "blame", "blame" => "blame", "blames" => "blame", "can" => "can", "can" => "can", "can" => "can", "must" => "must", "must" => "must", "must" => "must", "fly" => "fly", "fly" => "fly", "flies" => "fly", "copy" => "copy", "copy" => "copy", "copies" => "copy", "drink" => "drink", "drink" => "drink", "drinks" => "drink", "fight" => "fight", "fight" => "fight", "fights" => "fight", "fire" => "fire", "fire" => "fire", "fires" => "fire", "like" => "like", "like" => "like", "likes" => "like", "look" => "look", "look" => "look", "looks" => "look", "make" => "make", "make" => "make", "makes" => "make", "reach" => "reach", "reach" => "reach", "reaches" => "reach", "run" => "run", "run" => "run", "runs" => "run", "sink" => "sink", "sink" => "sink", "sinks" => "sink", "sleep" => "sleep", "sleep" => "sleep", "sleeps" => "sleep", "view" => "view", "view" => "view", "views" => "view", }
- PL_v_ambiguous_pres =
matchgroup PL_v_ambiguous_pres_h.keys
- PL_v_irregular_non_pres =
matchgroup %w[ did had ate made put spent fought sank gave sought shall could ought should ]
- PL_v_ambiguous_non_pres =
matchgroup %w[ thought saw bent will might cut ]
- PL_count_zero =
matchgroup %w[ 0 no zero nil ]
- PL_count_one =
matchgroup %w[ 1 a an one each every this that ]
- PL_adj_special_h =
{ "a" => "some", "an" => "some", "this" => "these", "that" => "those", }
- PL_adj_special =
matchgroup PL_adj_special_h.keys
- PL_adj_poss_h =
{ "my" => "our", "your" => "your", "its" => "their", "her" => "their", "his" => "their", "their" => "their", }
- PL_adj_poss =
matchgroup PL_adj_poss_h.keys
- Nth =
Numerical inflections
{ 0 => 'th', 1 => 'st', 2 => 'nd', 3 => 'rd', 4 => 'th', 5 => 'th', 6 => 'th', 7 => 'th', 8 => 'th', 9 => 'th', 11 => 'th', 12 => 'th', 13 => 'th', }
- Ordinals =
Ordinal word parts
{ 'ty' => 'tieth', 'one' => 'first', 'two' => 'second', 'three' => 'third', 'five' => 'fifth', 'eight' => 'eighth', 'nine' => 'ninth', 'twelve' => 'twelfth', }
- OrdinalSuffixes =
Ordinals.keys.join("|") + "|"
- Units =
Numeral names
[''] + %w[one two three four five six seven eight nine]
- Teens =
%w[ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen]
- Tens =
['',''] + %w[twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety]
- Thousands =
[' ', ' thousand'] + %w[ m b tr quadr quint sext sept oct non dec undec duodec tredec quattuordec quindec sexdec septemdec octodec novemdec vigint ].collect {|prefix| ' ' + prefix + 'illion'}
- NumberToWordsFunctions =
A collection of functions for transforming digits into word phrases. Indexed by the number of digits being transformed; e.g.,
is the function for transforming double-digit numbers. [ proc {|*args| raise "No digits (#{args.inspect})"}, # Single-digits proc {|zero,x| (x.nonzero? ? to_units(x) : "#{zero} ") }, # Double-digits proc {|zero,x,y| if x.nonzero? to_tens( x, y ) elsif y.nonzero? "#{zero} " + NumberToWordsFunctions[1].call( zero, y ) else ([zero] * 2).join(" ") end }, # Triple-digits proc {|zero,x,y,z| NumberToWordsFunctions[1].call(zero,x) + NumberToWordsFunctions[2].call(zero,y,z) } ]
- A_abbrev =
This pattern matches strings of capitals starting with a “vowel-sound” consonant followed by another consonant, and which are not likely to be real words (oh, all right then, it’s just magic!)
%{ (?! FJO | [HLMNS]Y. | RY[EO] | SQU | ( F[LR]? | [HL] | MN? | N | RH? | S[CHKLMNPTVW]? | X(YL)?) [AEIOU]) [FHLMNRSX][A-Z] }
- A_y_cons =
This pattern codes the beginnings of all english words begining with a ‘y’ followed by a consonant. Any other y-consonant prefix therefore implies an abbreviation.
- A_explicit_an =
Exceptions to exceptions
matchgroup( "euler", "hour(?!i)", "heir", "honest", "hono" )
- NumwordDefaults =
Default configuration arguments for the #numwords function
{ :group => 0, :comma => ', ', :and => ' and ', :zero => 'zero', :decimal => 'point', :asArray => false, }
- SeveralRange =
Default ranges for #quantify
- NumberRange =
- NumerousRange =
- ManyRange =
- QuantifyDefaults =
Default configuration arguments for the #quantify function
{ :joinword => " of ", }
- ConjunctionDefaults =
Default configuration arguments for the #conjunction (junction, what’s your) function.
{ :separator => ', ', :altsep => '; ', :penultimate => true, :conjunctive => 'and', :combine => true, :casefold => true, :generalize => false, :quantsort => true, }
- Articles =
Build the list of exceptions to title-capitalization
%w[a and the]
- ShortPrepositions =
["amid", "at", "but", "by", "down", "from", "in", "into", "like", "near", "of", "off", "on", "onto", "out", "over", "past", "save", "with", "till", "to", "unto", "up", "upon", "with"]
- CoordConjunctions =
%w[and but as]
- TitleCaseExceptions =
Articles | ShortPrepositions | CoordConjunctions
- IrregularInfinitives =
Irregular words => infinitive forms
{ 'abided' => 'abide', 'abode' => 'abide', 'am' => 'be', 'are' => 'be', 'arisen' => 'arise', 'arose' => 'arise', 'ate' => 'eat', 'awaked' => 'awake', 'awoke' => 'awake', 'bade' => 'bid', 'beaten' => 'beat', 'became' => 'become', 'been' => 'be', 'befallen' => 'befall', 'befell' => 'befall', 'began' => 'begin', 'begat' => 'beget', 'begot' => 'beget', 'begotten' => 'beget', 'begun' => 'begin', 'beheld' => 'behold', 'bent' => 'bend', 'bereaved' => 'bereave', 'bereft' => 'bereave', 'beseeched' => 'beseech', 'besought' => 'beseech', 'bespoke' => 'bespeak', 'bespoken' => 'bespeak', 'bestrewed' => 'bestrew', 'bestrewn' => 'bestrew', 'bestrid' => 'bestride', 'bestridden' => 'bestride', 'bestrode' => 'bestride', 'betaken' => 'betake', 'bethought' => 'bethink', 'betook' => 'betake', 'betted' => 'bet', 'bidden' => 'bid', 'bided' => 'bide', 'bit' => 'bite', 'bitten' => 'bite', 'bled' => 'bleed', 'blended' => 'blend', 'blent' => 'blend', 'blessed' => 'bless', 'blest' => 'bless', 'blew' => 'blow', 'blown' => 'blow', 'bode' => 'bide', 'bore' => 'bear', 'born' => 'bear', 'borne' => 'bear', 'bought' => 'buy', 'bound' => 'bind', 'bred' => 'breed', 'broadcasted' => 'broadcast', 'broke' => 'break', 'broken' => 'break', 'brought' => 'bring', 'browbeaten' => 'browbeat', 'built' => 'build', 'burned' => 'burn', 'burnt' => 'burn', 'came' => 'come', 'caught' => 'catch', 'chid' => 'chide', 'chidden' => 'chide', 'chided' => 'chide', 'chose' => 'choose', 'chosen' => 'choose', 'clad' => 'clothe', 'clave' => 'cleave', 'cleaved' => 'cleave', 'cleft' => 'cleave', 'clothed' => 'clothe', 'clove' => 'cleave', 'cloven' => 'cleave', 'clung' => 'cling', 'costed' => 'cost', 'could' => 'can', 'crept' => 'creep', 'crew' => 'crow', 'crowed' => 'crow', 'dealt' => 'deal', 'did' => 'do', 'done' => 'do', 'dove' => 'dive', 'drank' => 'drink', 'drawn' => 'draw', 'dreamed' => 'dream', 'dreamt' => 'dream', 'drew' => 'draw', 'driven' => 'drive', 'drove' => 'drive', 'drunk' => 'drink', 'dug' => 'dig', 'dwelled' => 'dwell', 'dwelt' => 'dwell', 'eaten' => 'eat', 'fallen' => 'fall', 'fed' => 'feed', 'fell' => 'fall', 'felt' => 'feel', 'fled' => 'flee', 'flew' => 'fly', 'flown' => 'fly', 'flung' => 'fling', 'forbad' => 'forbid', 'forbade' => 'forbid', 'forbidden' => 'forbid', 'forbore' => 'forbear', 'forborne' => 'forbear', 'fordid' => 'fordo', 'fordone' => 'fordo', 'forecasted' => 'forecast', 'foregone' => 'forego', 'foreknew' => 'foreknow', 'foreknown' => 'foreknow', 'foreran' => 'forerun', 'foresaw' => 'foresee', 'foreshowed' => 'foreshow', 'foreshown' => 'foreshow', 'foretold' => 'foretell', 'forewent' => 'forego', 'forgave' => 'forgive', 'forgiven' => 'forgive', 'forgot' => 'forget', 'forgotten' => 'forget', 'forsaken' => 'forsake', 'forseen' => 'foresee', 'forsook' => 'forsake', 'forswore' => 'forswear', 'forsworn' => 'forswear', 'fought' => 'fight', 'found' => 'find', 'froze' => 'freeze', 'frozen' => 'freeze', 'gainsaid' => 'gainsay', 'gave' => 'give', 'gilded' => 'gild', 'gilt' => 'gild', 'girded' => 'gird', 'girt' => 'gird', 'given' => 'give', 'gone' => 'go', 'got' => 'get', 'gotten' => 'get', 'graved' => 'grave', 'graven' => 'grave', 'grew' => 'grow', 'ground' => 'grind', 'grown' => 'grow', 'had' => 'have', 'hamstringed' => 'hamstring', 'hamstrung' => 'hamstring', 'hanged' => 'hang', 'heard' => 'hear', 'heaved' => 'heave', 'held' => 'hold', 'hewed' => 'hew', 'hewn' => 'hew', 'hid' => 'hide', 'hidden' => 'hide', 'hove' => 'heave', 'hung' => 'hang', 'inlaid' => 'inlay', 'is' => 'be', 'kept' => 'keep', 'kneeled' => 'kneel', 'knelt' => 'kneel', 'knew' => 'know', 'knitted' => 'knit', 'known' => 'know', 'laded' => 'lade', 'laden' => 'lade', 'laid' => 'lay', 'lain' => 'lie', 'lay' => 'lie', 'leaned' => 'lean', 'leant' => 'lean', 'leaped' => 'leap', 'leapt' => 'leap', 'learned' => 'learn', 'learnt' => 'learn', 'led' => 'lead', 'left' => 'leave', 'lent' => 'lend', 'lighted' => 'light', 'lit' => 'light', 'lost' => 'lose', 'made' => 'make', 'meant' => 'mean', 'melted' => 'melt', 'met' => 'meet', 'might' => 'may', 'misdealt' => 'misdeal', 'misgave' => 'misgive', 'misgiven' => 'misgive', 'mislaid' => 'mislay', 'misled' => 'mislead', 'mistaken' => 'mistake', 'mistook' => 'mistake', 'misunderstood' => 'misunderstand', 'molten' => 'melt', 'mowed' => 'mow', 'mown' => 'mow', 'outate' => 'outeat', 'outbade' => 'outbid', 'outbidden' => 'outbid', 'outbred' => 'outbreed', 'outdid' => 'outdo', 'outdone' => 'outdo', 'outeaten' => 'outeat', 'outfought' => 'outfight', 'outgone' => 'outgo', 'outgrew' => 'outgrow', 'outgrown' => 'outgrow', 'outlaid' => 'outlay', 'outran' => 'outrun', 'outridden' => 'outride', 'outrode' => 'outride', 'outsat' => 'outsit', 'outshone' => 'outshine', 'outshot' => 'outshoot', 'outsold' => 'outsell', 'outspent' => 'outspend', 'outthrew' => 'outthrow', 'outthrown' => 'outthrow', 'outwent' => 'outgo', 'outwore' => 'outwear', 'outworn' => 'outwear', 'overate' => 'overeat', 'overbade' => 'overbid', 'overbidden' => 'overbid', 'overblew' => 'overblow', 'overblown' => 'overblow', 'overbore' => 'overbear', 'overborn' => 'overbear', 'overborne' => 'overbear', 'overbought' => 'overbuy', 'overbuilt' => 'overbuild', 'overcame' => 'overcome', 'overdid' => 'overdo', 'overdone' => 'overdo', 'overdrawn' => 'overdraw', 'overdrew' => 'overdraw', 'overdriven' => 'overdrive', 'overdrove' => 'overdrive', 'overeaten' => 'overeat', 'overfed' => 'overfeed', 'overflew' => 'overfly', 'overflown' => 'overfly', 'overgrew' => 'overgrow', 'overgrown' => 'overgrow', 'overhanged' => 'overhang', 'overheard' => 'overhear', 'overhung' => 'overhang', 'overladed' => 'overlade', 'overladen' => 'overlade', 'overlaid' => 'overlay', 'overlain' => 'overlie', 'overlay' => 'overlie', 'overleaped' => 'overleap', 'overleapt' => 'overleap', 'overpaid' => 'overpay', 'overran' => 'overrun', 'overridden' => 'override', 'overrode' => 'override', 'oversaw' => 'oversee', 'overseen' => 'oversee', 'oversewed' => 'oversew', 'oversewn' => 'oversew', 'overshot' => 'overshoot', 'overslept' => 'oversleep', 'overspent' => 'overspend', 'overtaken' => 'overtake', 'overthrew' => 'overthrow', 'overthrown' => 'overthrow', 'overtook' => 'overtake', 'overwinded' => 'overwind', 'overwound' => 'overwind', 'overwritten' => 'overwrite', 'overwrote' => 'overwrite', 'paid' => 'pay', 'partaken' => 'partake', 'partook' => 'partake', 'prechose' => 'prechoose', 'prechosen' => 'prechoose', 'proved' => 'prove', 'proven' => 'prove', 'quitted' => 'quit', 'ran' => 'run', 'rang' => 'ring', 'reaved' => 'reave', 'rebuilt' => 'rebuild', 'reeved' => 'reeve', 'reft' => 'reave', 'relaid' => 'relay', 'rent' => 'rend', 'repaid' => 'repay', 'retold' => 'retell', 'ridded' => 'rid', 'ridden' => 'ride', 'risen' => 'rise', 'rived' => 'rive', 'riven' => 'rive', 'rode' => 'ride', 'rose' => 'rise', 'rove' => 'reeve', 'rung' => 'ring', 'said' => 'say', 'sang' => 'sing', 'sank' => 'sink', 'sat' => 'sit', 'saw' => 'see', 'sawed' => 'saw', 'sawn' => 'saw', 'seen' => 'see', 'sent' => 'send', 'sewed' => 'sew', 'sewn' => 'sew', 'shaken' => 'shake', 'shaved' => 'shave', 'shaven' => 'shave', 'sheared' => 'shear', 'shined' => 'shine', 'shod' => 'shoe', 'shoed' => 'shoe', 'shone' => 'shine', 'shook' => 'shake', 'shorn' => 'shear', 'shot' => 'shoot', 'showed' => 'show', 'shown' => 'show', 'shrank' => 'shrink', 'shredded' => 'shred', 'shrived' => 'shrive', 'shriven' => 'shrive', 'shrove' => 'shrive', 'shrunk' => 'shrink', 'shrunken' => 'shrink', 'slain' => 'slay', 'slept' => 'sleep', 'slew' => 'slay', 'slid' => 'slide', 'slidden' => 'slide', 'slung' => 'sling', 'slunk' => 'slink', 'smelled' => 'smell', 'smelt' => 'smell', 'smitten' => 'smite', 'smote' => 'smite', 'snuck' => 'sneak', 'sold' => 'sell', 'sought' => 'seek', 'sowed' => 'sow', 'sown' => 'sow', 'span' => 'spin', 'spat' => 'spit', 'sped' => 'speed', 'speeded' => 'speed', 'spelled' => 'spell', 'spelt' => 'spell', 'spent' => 'spend', 'spilled' => 'spill', 'spilt' => 'spill', 'spoiled' => 'spoil', 'spoilt' => 'spoil', 'spoke' => 'speak', 'spoken' => 'speak', 'sprang' => 'spring', 'sprung' => 'spring', 'spun' => 'spin', 'stank' => 'stink', 'staved' => 'stave', 'stole' => 'steal', 'stolen' => 'steal', 'stood' => 'stand', 'stove' => 'stave', 'strewed' => 'strew', 'strewn' => 'strew', 'stricken' => 'strike', 'strid' => 'stride', 'stridden' => 'stride', 'strived' => 'strive', 'striven' => 'strive', 'strode' => 'stride', 'strove' => 'strive', 'struck' => 'strike', 'strung' => 'string', 'stuck' => 'stick', 'stung' => 'sting', 'stunk' => 'stink', 'sung' => 'sing', 'sunk' => 'sink', 'sunken' => 'sink', 'swam' => 'swim', 'sweated' => 'sweat', 'swelled' => 'swell', 'swept' => 'sweep', 'swollen' => 'swell', 'swore' => 'swear', 'sworn' => 'swear', 'swum' => 'swim', 'swung' => 'swing', 'taken' => 'take', 'taught' => 'teach', 'thought' => 'think', 'threw' => 'throw', 'thrived' => 'thrive', 'thriven' => 'thrive', 'throve' => 'thrive', 'thrown' => 'throw', 'told' => 'tell', 'took' => 'take', 'tore' => 'tear', 'torn' => 'tear', 'trod' => 'tread', 'trodden' => 'tread', 'unbent' => 'unbend', 'unbound' => 'unbind', 'unbuilt' => 'unbuild', 'underbought' => 'underbuy', 'underfed' => 'underfeed', 'undergone' => 'undergo', 'underlaid' => 'underlay', 'underlain' => 'underlie', 'underlay' => 'underlie', 'underpaid' => 'underpay', 'underran' => 'underrun', 'undershot' => 'undershoot', 'undersold' => 'undersell', 'understood' => 'understand', 'undertaken' => 'undertake', 'undertook' => 'undertake', 'underwent' => 'undergo', 'underwritten' => 'underwrite', 'underwrote' => 'underwrite', 'undid' => 'undo', 'undone' => 'undo', 'undrawn' => 'undraw', 'undrew' => 'undraw', 'unfroze' => 'unfreeze', 'unfrozen' => 'unfreeze', 'ungirded' => 'ungird', 'ungirt' => 'ungird', 'unhanged' => 'unhang', 'unhung' => 'unhang', 'unknitted' => 'unknit', 'unladed' => 'unlade', 'unladen' => 'unlade', 'unlaid' => 'unlay', 'unlearned' => 'unlearn', 'unlearnt' => 'unlearn', 'unmade' => 'unmake', 'unreeved' => 'unreeve', 'unrove' => 'unreeve', 'unsaid' => 'unsay', 'unslung' => 'unsling', 'unspoke' => 'unspeak', 'unspoken' => 'unspeak', 'unstrung' => 'unstring', 'unstuck' => 'unstick', 'unswore' => 'unswear', 'unsworn' => 'unswear', 'untaught' => 'unteach', 'unthought' => 'unthink', 'untrod' => 'untread', 'untrodden' => 'untread', 'unwinded' => 'unwind', 'unwound' => 'unwind', 'unwove' => 'unweave', 'unwoven' => 'unweave', 'upbuilt' => 'upbuild', 'upheld' => 'uphold', 'uprisen' => 'uprise', 'uprose' => 'uprise', 'upswept' => 'upsweep', 'upswung' => 'upswing', 'waked' => 'wake', 'was' => 'be', 'waylaid' => 'waylay', 'wedded' => 'wed', 'went' => 'go', 'wept' => 'weep', 'were' => 'be', 'wetted' => 'wet', 'winded' => 'wind', 'wist' => 'wit', 'wot' => 'wit', 'withdrawn' => 'withdraw', 'withdrew' => 'withdraw', 'withheld' => 'withhold', 'withstood' => 'withstand', 'woke' => 'wake', 'woken' => 'wake', 'won' => 'win', 'wore' => 'wear', 'worked' => 'work', 'worn' => 'wear', 'wound' => 'wind', 'wove' => 'weave', 'woven' => 'weave', 'written' => 'write', 'wrote' => 'write', 'wrought' => 'work', 'wrung' => 'wring', }
- InfSuffixRules =
Mapping of word suffixes to infinitive rules.
{ # '<suffix>' => { # :order => <sort order>, # :rule => <rule number>, # :word1 == 0 => Use 0, the index of the longest prefix # within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below. # :word1 == 1 => Use 1, the index of the 2nd longest prefix # within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below. # :word1 == -1 => Use the index of the shortest prefix # within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below + a letter. # :word1 == -2 => Use the index of the shortest prefix # within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below + a letter, # and use the shortest prefix as well. # :word1 == -3 => Use the index of the shortest prefix # within @{$prefix{$self->{'suffix'} } }, below + meter, # and use the shortest prefix + metre as well. # :word1 == -4 => Use the original string. 'hes' => { :order => 1011, :rule => '1', :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ses' => { :order => 1021, :rule => '2', :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'xes' => { :order => 1031, :rule => '3', :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'zes' => { :order => 1041, :rule => '4', :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'iless' => { :order => 1051, :rule => '43a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'less' => { :order => 1052, :rule => '43b', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'iness' => { :order => 1053, :rule => '44a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ness' => { :order => 1054, :rule => '44b', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, "'s" => { :order => 1055, :rule => '7', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ies' => { :order => 1056, :rule => '13a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'es' => { :order => 1057, :rule => '13b', :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ss' => { :order => 1061, :rule => '6a', :word1 => -4, # Original string. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 's' => { :order => 1062, :rule => '6b', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ater' => { :order => 1081, :rule => '8', :word1 => -4, # Original string. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'cter' => { :order => 1091, :rule => '9', :word1 => -4, # Original string. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ier' => { :order => 1101, :rule => '10', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'er' => { :order => 1111, :rule => '11', :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ied' => { :order => 1121, :rule => '12a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ed' => { :order => 1122, :rule => '12b', # There is extra code for 12b below. :word1 => 0, # Longest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'iest' => { :order => 1141, :rule => '14a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'est' => { :order => 1142, :rule => '14b', :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'blity' => { :order => 1143, :rule => '21', :word1 => -4, # Original string. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'bility' => { :order => 1144, :rule => '22', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ble', :suffix2 => '', }, 'fiable' => { :order => 1145, :rule => '23', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'fy', :suffix2 => '', }, 'logist' => { :order => 1146, :rule => '24', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'logy', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ing' => { :order => 1151, :rule => '15', # There is extra code for 15 below. :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ist' => { :order => 1161, :rule => '16', :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ism' => { :order => 1171, :rule => '17', :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ity' => { :order => 1181, :rule => '18', :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ize' => { :order => 1191, :rule => '19', :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'cable' => { :order => 1201, :rule => '20a', :word1 => -4, # Original string. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'gable' => { :order => 1202, :rule => '20b', :word1 => -4, # Original string. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'able' => { :order => 1203, :rule => '20c', :word1 => -2, # Shortest prefix + a letter, and shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'e', :suffix2 => '', }, 'graphic' => { :order => 1251, :rule => '25', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'graphy', :suffix2 => '', }, 'istic' => { :order => 1261, :rule => '26', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ist', :suffix2 => '', }, 'itic' => { :order => 1271, :rule => '27', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ite', :suffix2 => '', }, 'like' => { :order => 1281, :rule => '28', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'logic' => { :order => 1291, :rule => '29', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'logy', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ment' => { :order => 1301, :rule => '30', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'mental' => { :order => 1311, :rule => '31', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ment', :suffix2 => '', }, 'metry' => { :order => 1321, :rule => '32', :word1 => -3, # Shortest prefix + meter, and shortest perfix + metre. :suffix1 => 'meter', :suffix2 => 'metre', }, 'nce' => { :order => 1331, :rule => '33', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'nt', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ncy' => { :order => 1341, :rule => '34', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'nt', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ship' => { :order => 1351, :rule => '35', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ical' => { :order => 1361, :rule => '36', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ic', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ional' => { :order => 1371, :rule => '37', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ion', :suffix2 => '', }, 'bly' => { :order => 1381, :rule => '38', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ble', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ily' => { :order => 1391, :rule => '39', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ly' => { :order => 1401, :rule => '40', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'iful' => { :order => 1411, :rule => '41a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ful' => { :order => 1412, :rule => '41b', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ihood' => { :order => 1421, :rule => '42a', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'y', :suffix2 => '', }, 'hood' => { :order => 1422, :rule => '42b', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => '', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ification' => { :order => 1451, :rule => '45', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ify', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ization' => { :order => 1461, :rule => '46', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ize', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ction' => { :order => 1471, :rule => '47', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ct', :suffix2 => '', }, 'rtion' => { :order => 1481, :rule => '48', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'rt', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ation' => { :order => 1491, :rule => '49', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ate', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ator' => { :order => 1501, :rule => '50', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ate', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ctor' => { :order => 1511, :rule => '51', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ct', :suffix2 => '', }, 'ive' => { :order => 1521, :rule => '52', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'ion', :suffix2 => '', }, 'onian' => { :order => 1530, :rule => '54', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'on', :suffix2 => '', }, 'an' => { :order => 1531, :rule => '53', :word1 => -1, # Shortest prefix. :suffix1 => 'a', :suffix2 => '', }, }
- InfSuffixRuleOrder =
InfSuffixRules.keys.sort_by {|rule| InfSuffixRules[rule][:order]}
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.lprintf_formatters ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute lprintf_formatters.
Class Method Summary collapse
.a(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: an)
Return the given phrase with the appropriate indefinite article (“a” or “an”) prepended.
.camel_case_to_english(string) ⇒ Object
Turns a camel-case
(“camelCaseToEnglish”) to plain English (“camel case to english”). -
.conjunction(obj, args = {}) ⇒ Object
Return the specified
(which must support the#collect
method) as a conjunction. -
.debug_msg(*msgs) ⇒ Object
Debugging output.
.def_lprintf_formatter(name, meth) ⇒ Object
Add the specified method (which can be either a Method object or a Symbol for looking up a method).
.def_synset_function(meth) ⇒ Object
Make a function that calls the method
on the synset of an input word. -
.english_to_camel_case(string) ⇒ Object
Turns an English language
into a CamelCase word. -
.has_link_parser? ⇒ Boolean
if LinkParser was loaded okay. -
.has_wordnet? ⇒ Boolean
if WordNet was loaded okay. -
.indef_article(word, count) ⇒ Object
Returns the given word with a prepended indefinite article, unless
is non-nil and not singular. -
.infinitive(word) ⇒ Object
Return the infinitive form of the given word.
.language(unused = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the name of the language this module is for.
.lp_dict ⇒ Object
The instance of LinkParser used for all Linguistics LinkParser functions.
.lp_error ⇒ Object
If #has_link_parser? returns
, this can be called to fetch the exception which was raised when trying to load LinkParser. -
.lprintf(fmt, *args) ⇒ Object
Format the given
string by replacing %-escaped sequences with the result of performing a specified operation on the corresponding argument, ala Kernel.sprintf. -
.matchgroup(*parts) ⇒ Object
Wrap one or more parts in a non-capturing alteration Regexp.
.no(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Translate zero-quantified
to “nophrase.plural
”. -
.normalize_count(count, default = 2) ⇒ Object
Normalize a count to either 1 or 2 (singular or plural).
.number_to_words(num, config) ⇒ Object
Return the specified number
as an array of number phrases. -
.numwords(number, hashargs = {}) ⇒ Object
Return the specified number as english words.
.ordinal(number) ⇒ Object
Transform the given
into an ordinal word. -
.ordinate(number) ⇒ Object
Transform the given
into an ordinate word. -
.plural(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given
indicates it should be plural. -
.plural_adjective(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
(also: plural_adj)
Return the plural of the given adjectival
indicates it should be plural. -
.plural_noun(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given noun
indicates it should be plural. -
.plural_verb(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given verb
indicates it should be plural. -
.pluralize_general_verb(word, count) ⇒ Object
Pluralize regular verbs.
.pluralize_noun(word, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Pluralize nouns.
.pluralize_special_adjective(word, count) ⇒ Object
Handle special adjectives.
.pluralize_special_verb(word, count) ⇒ Object
Pluralize special verbs.
.postprocess(original, inflected) ⇒ Object
Do normal/classical switching and match capitalization in
by examining theoriginal
input. -
.present_participle(word) ⇒ Object
(also: part_pres)
.proper_noun(string) ⇒ Object
Returns the proper noun form of a string by capitalizing most of the words.
.quantify(phrase, number = 0, args = {}) ⇒ Object
- :joinword
Sets the word (and any surrounding spaces) used as the word separating the quantity from the noun in the resulting string.
.sentence(obj) ⇒ Object
Return a LinkParser::Sentence for the stringified
. -
.synset(word, pos = nil, sense = 1) ⇒ Object
Look up the synset associated with the given word or collocation in the WordNet lexicon and return a WordNet::Synset object.
.synsets(word, pos = nil) ⇒ Object
Look up all the synsets associated with the given word or collocation in the WordNet lexicon and return an Array of WordNet::Synset objects.
.titlecase(string) ⇒ Object
Returns the given
as a title-cased phrase. -
.to_hundreds(hundreds, tens = 0, units = 0, thousands = 0, joinword = " and ") ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number of hundreds-, tens-, and units-place numerals into a word phrase.
.to_tens(tens, units, thousands = 0) ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number of tens- and units-place numerals into a word-phrase at the given number of
places. -
.to_thousands(thousands = 0) ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number into one or more words like ‘thousand’, ‘million’, etc.
.to_units(units, thousands = 0) ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number of units-place numerals into a word-phrase at the given number of
places. -
.wn_error ⇒ Object
If #haveWordnet? returns
, this can be called to fetch the exception which was raised when WordNet was loaded. -
.wn_lexicon ⇒ Object
The instance of the WordNet::Lexicon used for all Linguistics WordNet functions.
Class Attribute Details
.lprintf_formatters ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute lprintf_formatters.
125 126 127 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 125 def lprintf_formatters @lprintf_formatters end |
Class Method Details
.a(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: an
Return the given phrase with the appropriate indefinite article (“a” or “an”) prepended.
1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1190 def a( phrase, count=nil ) md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3] return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? result = indef_article( word, count ) return pre + result + post end |
.camel_case_to_english(string) ⇒ Object
Turns a camel-case string
(“camelCaseToEnglish”) to plain English (“camel case to english”). Each word is decapitalized.
1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1623 def camel_case_to_english( string ) string.to_s. gsub( /([A-Z])([A-Z])/ ) { "#$1 #$2" }. gsub( /([a-z])([A-Z])/ ) { "#$1 #$2" }.downcase end |
.conjunction(obj, args = {}) ⇒ Object
Return the specified obj
(which must support the #collect
method) as a conjunction. Each item is converted to a String if it is not already (using #to_s) unless a block is given, in which case it is called once for each object in the array, and the stringified return value from the block is used instead. Returning nil
causes that particular element to be omitted from the resulting conjunction. The following options can be used to control the makeup of the returned conjunction String:
- :separator
Specify one or more characters to separate items in the resulting list. Defaults to
', '
. - :altsep
An alternate separator to use if any of the resulting conjunction’s clauses contain the
character/s. Defaults to'; '
. - :penultimate
Flag that indicates whether or not to join the last clause onto the rest of the conjunction using a penultimate
. E.g.,%w{duck, cow, dog}.en.conjunction # => "a duck, a cow, and a dog" %w{duck cow dog}.en.conjunction( :penultimate => false ) "a duck, a cow and a dog"
Default to
. - :conjunctive
Sets the word used as the conjunctive (separating word) of the resulting string. Default to
. - :combine
If set to
(the default), items which are indentical (after surrounding spaces are stripped) will be combined in the resulting conjunction. E.g.,%w{goose cow goose dog}.en.conjunction # => "two geese, a cow, and a dog" %w{goose cow goose dog}.en.conjunction( :combine => false ) # => "a goose, a cow, a goose, and a dog"
- :casefold
If set to
(the default), then items are compared case-insensitively when combining them. This has no effect if:combine
. - :generalize
If set to
, then quantities of combined items are turned into general descriptions instead of exact amounts.ary = %w{goose pig dog horse goose reindeer goose dog horse} ary.en.conjunction # => "three geese, two dogs, two horses, a pig, and a reindeer" ary.en.conjunction( :generalize => true ) # => "several geese, several dogs, several horses, a pig, and a reindeer"
See the #quantify method for specifics on how quantities are generalized. Generalization defaults to
, and has no effect if :combine isfalse
. - :quantsort
If set to
(the default), items which are combined in the resulting conjunction will be listed in order of amount, with greater quantities sorted first. If:quantsort
, combined items will appear where the first instance of them occurred in the list. This sort is also the fallback for indentical quantities (ie., items of the same quantity will be listed in the order they appeared in the source list).
1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1512 def conjunction( obj, args={} ) config = ConjunctionDefaults.merge( args ) phrases = [] # Transform items in the obj to phrases if block_given? phrases = obj.collect {|item| yield(item) }.compact else phrases = obj.collect {|item| item.to_s } end # No need for a conjunction if there's only one thing return a(phrases[0]) if phrases.length < 2 # Set up a Proc to derive a collector key from a phrase depending on the # configuration keyfunc = if config[:casefold] proc {|key| key.downcase.strip} else proc {|key| key.strip} end # Count and delete phrases that hash the same when the keyfunc munges # them into the same thing if we're combining (:combine => true). collector = {} if config[:combine] phrases.each_index do |i| # Stop when reaching the end of a truncated list break if phrases[i].nil? # Make the key using the configured key function phrase = keyfunc[ phrases[i] ] # If the collector already has this key, increment its count, # eliminate the duplicate from the phrase list, and redo the loop. if collector.key?( phrase ) collector[ phrase ] += 1 phrases.delete_at( i ) redo end collector[ phrase ] = 1 end else # If we're not combining, just make everything have a count of 1. phrases.uniq.each {|key| collector[ keyfunc[key] ] = 1} end # If sort-by-quantity is turned on, sort the phrases first by how many # there are (most-first), and then by the order they were specified in. if config[:quantsort] && config[:combine] origorder = {} phrases.each_with_index {|phrase,i| origorder[ keyfunc[phrase] ] ||= i } phrases.sort! {|a,b| (collector[ keyfunc[b] ] <=> collector[ keyfunc[a] ]).nonzero? || (origorder[ keyfunc[a] ] <=> origorder[ keyfunc[b] ]) } end # Set up a filtering function that adds either an indefinite article, an # indefinite quantifier, or a definite quantifier to each phrase # depending on the configuration and the count of phrases in the # collector. filter = if config[:generalize] proc {|phrase, count| quantify(phrase, count) } else proc {|phrase, count| if count > 1 "%s %s" % [ # :TODO: Make this threshold settable count < 10 ? count.en.numwords : count.to_s, plural(phrase, count) ] else a( phrase ) end } end # Now use the configured filter to turn each phrase into its final # form. Hmmm... square-bracket Lisp? phrases.collect! {|phrase| filter[phrase, collector[ keyfunc[phrase] ]] } # Prepend the conjunctive to the last element unless it's empty or # there's only one element phrases[-1].insert( 0, config[:conjunctive] + " " ) unless config[:conjunctive].strip.empty? or phrases.length < 2 # Concatenate the last two elements if there's no penultimate separator, # and pick a separator based on how many phrases there are and whether # or not there's already an instance of it in the phrases. phrase_count = phrases.length phrases[-2] << " " << phrases.pop unless config[:penultimate] sep = config[:separator] if phrase_count <= 2 sep = ' ' elsif phrases.find {|str| str.include?(config[:separator]) } sep = config[:altsep] end return phrases.join( sep ) end |
.debug_msg(*msgs) ⇒ Object
Debugging output
685 686 687 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 685 def debug_msg( *msgs ) # :nodoc: $stderr.puts msgs.join(" ") if $DEBUG end |
.def_lprintf_formatter(name, meth) ⇒ Object
Add the specified method (which can be either a Method object or a Symbol for looking up a method)
130 131 132 133 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 130 def self::def_lprintf_formatter( name, meth ) meth = self.method( meth ) unless meth.is_a?( Method ) self.lprintf_formatters[ name ] = meth end |
.def_synset_function(meth) ⇒ Object
Make a function that calls the method meth
on the synset of an input word.
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/wordnet.rb', line 126 def def_synset_function( meth ) (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do define_method( meth ) {|*args| word, pos, sense = *args raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)" unless word sense ||= 1 syn = synset( word.to_s, pos, sense ) return syn.nil? ? nil : syn.send( meth ) } end end |
.english_to_camel_case(string) ⇒ Object
Turns an English language string
into a CamelCase word.
1631 1632 1633 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1631 def english_to_camel_case( string ) string.to_s.gsub( /\s+([a-z])/ ) { $1.upcase } end |
.has_link_parser? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if LinkParser was loaded okay
81 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/linkparser.rb', line 81 def has_link_parser? ; @has_link_parser ; end |
.has_wordnet? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if WordNet was loaded okay
106 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/wordnet.rb', line 106 def has_wordnet? ; @has_wordnet; end |
.indef_article(word, count) ⇒ Object
Returns the given word with a prepended indefinite article, unless count
is non-nil and not singular.
962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 962 def indef_article( word, count ) count ||= Linguistics::num return "#{count} #{word}" if count && /^(#{PL_count_one})$/i !~ count.to_s # Handle user-defined variants # return value if value = ud_match( word, A_a_user_defined ) case word # Handle special cases when /^(#{A_explicit_an})/i return "an #{word}" # Handle abbreviations when /^(#{A_abbrev})/x return "an #{word}" when /^[aefhilmnorsx][.-]/i return "an #{word}" when /^[a-z][.-]/i return "a #{word}" # Handle consonants when /^[^aeiouy]/i return "a #{word}" # Handle special vowel-forms when /^e[uw]/i return "a #{word}" when /^onc?e\b/i return "a #{word}" when /^uni([^nmd]|mo)/i return "a #{word}" when /^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]/i return "a #{word}" # Handle vowels when /^[aeiou]/i return "an #{word}" # Handle y... (before certain consonants implies (unnaturalized) "i.." sound) when /^(#{A_y_cons})/i return "an #{word}" # Otherwise, guess "a" else return "a #{word}" end end |
.infinitive(word) ⇒ Object
Return the infinitive form of the given word
1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/infinitive.rb', line 1052 def infinitive( word ) word = word.to_s word1 = word2 = suffix = rule = newword = '' if IrregularInfinitives.key?( word ) word1 = IrregularInfinitives[ word ] rule = 'irregular' else # Build up $prefix{$suffix} as an array of prefixes, from longest to shortest. prefix, suffix = nil prefixes = Hash::new {|hsh,key| hsh[key] = []} # Build the hash of prefixes for the word 1.upto( word.length ) {|i| prefix = word[0, i] suffix = word[i..-1] (suffix.length - 1).downto( 0 ) {|j| newword = prefix + suffix[0, j] prefixes[ suffix ].push( newword ) } } $stderr.puts "prefixes: %p" % prefixes if $DEBUG # Now check for rules covering the prefixes for this word, picking # the first one if one was found. if (( suffix = ((InfSuffixRuleOrder & prefixes.keys).first) )) rule = InfSuffixRules[ suffix ][:rule] shortestPrefix = InfSuffixRules[ suffix ][:word1] $stderr.puts "Using rule %p (%p) for suffix %p" % [ rule, shortestPrefix, suffix ] if $DEBUG case shortestPrefix when 0 word1 = prefixes[ suffix ][ 0 ] word2 = prefixes[ suffix ][ 1 ] $stderr.puts "For sp = 0: word1: %p, word2: %p" % [ word1, word2 ] if $DEBUG when -1 word1 = prefixes[ suffix ].last + InfSuffixRules[ suffix ][:suffix1] word2 = '' $stderr.puts "For sp = -1: word1: %p, word2: %p" % [ word1, word2 ] if $DEBUG when -2 word1 = prefixes[ suffix ].last + InfSuffixRules[ suffix ][:suffix1] word2 = prefixes[ suffix ].last $stderr.puts "For sp = -2: word1: %p, word2: %p" % [ word1, word2 ] if $DEBUG when -3 word1 = prefixes[ suffix ].last + InfSuffixRules[ suffix ][:suffix1] word2 = prefixes[ suffix ].last + InfSuffixRules[ suffix ][:suffix2] $stderr.puts "For sp = -3: word1: %p, word2: %p" % [ word1, word2 ] if $DEBUG when -4 word1 = word word2 = '' $stderr.puts "For sp = -4: word1: %p, word2: %p" % [ word1, word2 ] if $DEBUG else raise IndexError, "Couldn't find rule for shortest prefix %p" % shortestPrefix end # Rules 12b and 15: Strip off 'ed' or 'ing'. if rule == '12b' or rule == '15' # Do we have a monosyllable of this form: # o 0+ Consonants # o 1+ Vowel # o 2 Non-wx # Eg: tipped => tipp? # Then return tip and tipp. # Eg: swimming => swimm? # Then return tipswim and swimm. if /^([^aeiou]*[aeiou]+)([^wx])\2$/ =~ word2 word1 = $1 + $2 word2 = $1 + $2 + $2 end end end end return Infinitive::new( word1, word2, suffix, rule ) end |
.language(unused = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the name of the language this module is for.
1121 1122 1123 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1121 def language( unused=nil ) "English" end |
.lp_dict ⇒ Object
The instance of LinkParser used for all Linguistics LinkParser functions.
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/linkparser.rb', line 89 def lp_dict if @lp_error raise NotImplementedError, "LinkParser functions are not loaded: %s" % @lp_error. end return @lp_dict ||= :verbosity => 0 ) end |
.lp_error ⇒ Object
If #has_link_parser? returns false
, this can be called to fetch the exception which was raised when trying to load LinkParser.
85 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/linkparser.rb', line 85 def lp_error ; @lp_error ; end |
.lprintf(fmt, *args) ⇒ Object
Format the given fmt
string by replacing %-escaped sequences with the result of performing a specified operation on the corresponding argument, ala Kernel.sprintf.
- %PL
- %A, %AN
Prepend indefinite article.
- %NO
Zero-quantified phrase.
Convert a number into the corresponding words.
1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1706 def lprintf( fmt, *args ) fmt.to_s.gsub( /%([A-Z_]+)/ ) do |match| op = $1.to_s.upcase.to_sym if self.lprintf_formatters.key?( op ) arg = args.shift self.lprintf_formatters[ op ].call( arg ) else raise "no such formatter %p" % op end end end |
.matchgroup(*parts) ⇒ Object
Wrap one or more parts in a non-capturing alteration Regexp
117 118 119 120 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 117 def self::matchgroup( *parts ) re = parts.flatten.join("|") "(?:#{re})" end |
.no(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Translate zero-quantified phrase
to “no phrase.plural
1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1204 def no( phrase, count=nil ) md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3] count ||= Linguistics::num || 0 unless /^#{PL_count_zero}$/ =~ count.to_s return "#{pre}#{count} " + plural( word, count ) + post else return "#{pre}no " + plural( word, 0 ) + post end end |
.normalize_count(count, default = 2) ⇒ Object
Normalize a count to either 1 or 2 (singular or plural)
691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 691 def normalize_count( count, default=2 ) return default if count.nil? # Default to plural if /^(#{PL_count_one})$/i =~ count.to_s || Linguistics::classical? && /^(#{PL_count_zero})$/ =~ count.to_s return 1 else return default end end |
.number_to_words(num, config) ⇒ Object
Return the specified number num
as an array of number phrases.
1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1067 def number_to_words( num, config ) return [config[:zero]] if chunks = [] # Break into word-groups if groups is set if config[:group].nonzero? # Build a Regexp with <config[:group]> number of digits. Any past # the first are optional. re = Regexp::new( "(\\d)" + ("(\\d)?" * (config[:group] - 1)) ) # Scan the string, and call the word-chunk function that deals with # chunks of the found number of digits. num.to_s.scan( re ) {|digits| debug_msg " digits = #{digits.inspect}" fn = NumberToWordsFunctions[ digits.nitems ] numerals = digits.flatten.compact.collect {|i| i.to_i} debug_msg " numerals = #{numerals.inspect}" chunks.push config[:zero], *numerals ).strip } else phrase = num.to_s phrase.sub!( /\A\s*0+/, '' ) mill = 0 # Match backward from the end of the digits in the string, turning # chunks of three, of two, and of one into words. mill += 1 while phrase.sub!( /(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)/ ) { words = to_hundreds( $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, mill, config[:and] ) chunks.unshift words.strip.squeeze(' ') unless words.nil? '' } phrase.sub!( /(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)/ ) { chunks.unshift to_tens( $1.to_i, $2.to_i, mill ).strip.squeeze(' ') '' } phrase.sub!( /(\d)(?=\D*\Z)/ ) { chunks.unshift to_units( $1.to_i, mill ).strip.squeeze(' ') '' } end return chunks end |
.numwords(number, hashargs = {}) ⇒ Object
Return the specified number as english words. One or more configuration values may be passed to control the returned String:
- :group
Controls how many numbers at a time are grouped together. Valid values are
(normal grouping),1
(single-digit grouping, e.g., “one, two, three, four”),2
(double-digit grouping, e.g., “twelve, thirty-four”, or3
(triple-digit grouping, e.g., “one twenty-three, four”). - :comma
Set the character/s used to separate word groups. Defaults to
", "
. - :and
Set the word and/or characters used where
' and '
(the default) is normally used. Setting:and
to' '
, for example, will cause2556
to be returned as “two-thousand, five hundred fifty-six” instead of “two-thousand, five hundred and fifty-six”. - :zero
Set the word used to represent the numeral
in the result.'zero'
is the default. - :decimal
Set the translation of any decimal points in the number; the default is
. - :asArray
If set to a true value, the number will be returned as an array of word groups instead of a String.
1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1264 def numwords( number, hashargs={} ) num = number.to_s config = NumwordDefaults.merge( hashargs ) raise "Bad chunking option: #{config[:group]}" unless config[:group].between?( 0, 3 ) # Array of number parts: first is everything to the left of the first # decimal, followed by any groups of decimal-delimted numbers after that parts = [] # Wordify any sign prefix sign = (/\A\s*\+/ =~ num) ? 'plus' : (/\A\s*\-/ =~ num) ? 'minus' : '' # Strip any ordinal suffixes ord = true if num.sub!( /(st|nd|rd|th)\Z/, '' ) # Split the number into chunks delimited by '.' chunks = if !config[:decimal].empty? then if config[:group].nonzero? num.split(/\./) else num.split(/\./, 2) end else [ num ] end # Wordify each chunk, pushing arrays into the parts array chunks.each_with_index {|chunk,section| chunk.gsub!( /\D+/, '' ) # If there's nothing in this chunk of the number, set it to zero # unless it's the whole-number part, in which case just push an # empty array. if chunk.empty? if parts.push [] next end end # Split the number section into wordified parts unless this is the # second or succeeding part of a non-group number unless config[:group].zero? && section.nonzero? parts.push number_to_words( chunk, config ) else parts.push number_to_words( chunk, config.merge(:group => 1) ) end } debug_msg "Parts => #{parts.inspect}" # Turn the last word of the whole-number part back into an ordinal if # the original number came in that way. if ord && !parts[0].empty? parts[0][-1] = ordinal( parts[0].last ) end # If the caller's expecting an Array return, just flatten and return the # parts array. if config[:asArray] unless sign.empty? parts[0].unshift( sign ) end return parts.flatten end # Catenate each sub-parts array into a whole number part and one or more # post-decimal parts. If grouping is turned on, all sub-parts get joined # with commas, otherwise just the whole-number part is. if config[:group].zero? if parts[0].nitems > 1 # Join all but the last part together with commas wholenum = parts[0][0...-1].join( config[:comma] ) # If the last part is just a single word, append it to the # wholenum part with an 'and'. This is to get things like 'three # thousand and three' instead of 'three thousand, three'. if /^\s*(\S+)\s*$/ =~ parts[0].last wholenum += config[:and] + parts[0].last else wholenum += config[:comma] + parts[0].last end else wholenum = parts[0][0] end decimals = parts[1..-1].collect {|part| part.join(" ")} debug_msg "Wholenum: #{wholenum.inspect}; decimals: #{decimals.inspect}" # Join with the configured decimal; if it's empty, just join with # spaces. unless config[:decimal].empty? return sign + ([ wholenum ] + decimals). join( " #{config[:decimal]} " ).strip else return sign + ([ wholenum ] + decimals). join( " " ).strip end else return parts.compact. separate( config[:decimal] ). delete_if {|el| el.empty?}. join( config[:comma] ). strip end end |
.ordinal(number) ⇒ Object
Transform the given number
into an ordinal word. The number
object can be either an Integer or a String.
1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1377 def ordinal( number ) case number when Integer return number.to_s + (Nth[ number % 100 ] || Nth[ number % 10 ]) else return number.to_s.sub( /(#{OrdinalSuffixes})\Z/ ) { Ordinals[$1] } end end |
.ordinate(number) ⇒ Object
Transform the given number
into an ordinate word.
1390 1391 1392 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1390 def ordinate( number ) numwords( number ).ordinal end |
.plural(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1128 def plural( phrase, count=nil ) phrase = numwords( phrase ) if phrase.is_a?( Numeric ) md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3] return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_special_adjective(word, count) || pluralize_special_verb(word, count) || pluralize_noun(word, count) ) return pre + plural + post end |
.plural_adjective(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object Also known as: plural_adj
Return the plural of the given adjectival phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1175 def plural_adjective( phrase, count=nil ) md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3] return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_special_adjective(word, count) || word ) return pre + plural + post end |
.plural_noun(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given noun phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1147 def plural_noun( phrase, count=nil ) md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3] return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_noun(word, count) ) return pre + plural + post end |
.plural_verb(phrase, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Return the plural of the given verb phrase
if count
indicates it should be plural.
1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1160 def plural_verb( phrase, count=nil ) md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase.to_s ) pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3] return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty? plural = postprocess( word, pluralize_special_verb(word, count) || pluralize_general_verb(word, count) ) return pre + plural + post end |
.pluralize_general_verb(word, count) ⇒ Object
Pluralize regular verbs
900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 900 def pluralize_general_verb( word, count ) count ||= Linguistics::num count = normalize_count( count ) return word if /^(#{PL_count_one})$/i =~ count.to_s case word # Handle ambiguous present tenses (simple and compound) when /^(#{PL_v_ambiguous_pres})((\s.*)?)$/i return PL_v_ambiguous_pres_h[ $1.downcase ] + $2 # Handle ambiguous preterite and perfect tenses when /^(#{PL_v_ambiguous_non_pres})((\s.*)?)$/i return word # Otherwise, 1st or 2nd person is uninflected else return word end end |
.pluralize_noun(word, count = nil) ⇒ Object
Pluralize nouns
727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 727 def pluralize_noun( word, count=nil ) value = nil count ||= Linguistics::num count = normalize_count( count ) return word if count == 1 # Handle user-defined nouns #if value = ud_match( word, PL_sb_user_defined ) # return value #end # Handle empty word, singular count and uninflected plurals case word when '' return word when /^(#{PL_sb_uninflected})$/i return word else if Linguistics::classical? && /^(#{PL_sb_uninflected_herd})$/i =~ word return word end end # Handle compounds ("Governor General", "mother-in-law", "aide-de-camp", etc.) case word when /^(?:#{PL_sb_postfix_adj})$/i value = $2 return pluralize_noun( $1, 2 ) + value when /^(?:#{PL_sb_prep_dual_compound})$/i value = [ $2, $3 ] return pluralize_noun( $1, 2 ) + value[0] + pluralize_noun( value[1] ) when /^(?:#{PL_sb_prep_compound})$/i value = $2 return pluralize_noun( $1, 2 ) + value # Handle pronouns when /^((?:#{PL_prep})\s+)(#{PL_pron_acc})$/i return $1 + PL_pron_acc_h[ $2.downcase ] when /^(#{PL_pron_nom})$/i return PL_pron_nom_h[ word.downcase ] when /^(#{PL_pron_acc})$/i return PL_pron_acc_h[ $1.downcase ] # Handle isolated irregular plurals when /(.*)\b(#{PL_sb_irregular})$/i return $1 + PL_sb_irregular_h[ $2.downcase ] when /(#{PL_sb_U_man_mans})$/i return "#{$1}s" # Handle families of irregular plurals when /(.*)man$/i ; return "#{$1}men" when /(.*[ml])ouse$/i ; return "#{$1}ice" when /(.*)goose$/i ; return "#{$1}geese" when /(.*)tooth$/i ; return "#{$1}teeth" when /(.*)foot$/i ; return "#{$1}feet" # Handle unassimilated imports when /(.*)ceps$/i ; return word when /(.*)zoon$/i ; return "#{$1}zoa" when /(.*[csx])is$/i ; return "#{$1}es" when /(#{PL_sb_U_ex_ices})ex$/i; return "#{$1}ices" when /(#{PL_sb_U_ix_ices})ix$/i; return "#{$1}ices" when /(#{PL_sb_U_um_a})um$/i ; return "#{$1}a" when /(#{PL_sb_U_us_i})us$/i ; return "#{$1}i" when /(#{PL_sb_U_on_a})on$/i ; return "#{$1}a" when /(#{PL_sb_U_a_ae})$/i ; return "#{$1}e" end # Handle incompletely assimilated imports if Linguistics::classical? case word when /(.*)trix$/i ; return "#{$1}trices" when /(.*)eau$/i ; return "#{$1}eaux" when /(.*)ieu$/i ; return "#{$1}ieux" when /(.{2,}[yia])nx$/i ; return "#{$1}nges" when /(#{PL_sb_C_en_ina})en$/i; return "#{$1}ina" when /(#{PL_sb_C_ex_ices})ex$/i; return "#{$1}ices" when /(#{PL_sb_C_ix_ices})ix$/i; return "#{$1}ices" when /(#{PL_sb_C_um_a})um$/i ; return "#{$1}a" when /(#{PL_sb_C_us_i})us$/i ; return "#{$1}i" when /(#{PL_sb_C_us_us})$/i ; return "#{$1}" when /(#{PL_sb_C_a_ae})$/i ; return "#{$1}e" when /(#{PL_sb_C_a_ata})a$/i ; return "#{$1}ata" when /(#{PL_sb_C_o_i})o$/i ; return "#{$1}i" when /(#{PL_sb_C_on_a})on$/i ; return "#{$1}a" when /#{PL_sb_C_im}$/i ; return "#{word}im" when /#{PL_sb_C_i}$/i ; return "#{word}i" end end # Handle singular nouns ending in ...s or other silibants case word when /^(#{PL_sb_singular_s})$/i; return "#{$1}es" when /^([A-Z].*s)$/; return "#{$1}es" when /(.*)([cs]h|[zx])$/i ; return "#{$1}#{$2}es" # when /(.*)(us)$/i ; return "#{$1}#{$2}es" # Handle ...f -> ...ves when /(.*[eao])lf$/i ; return "#{$1}lves"; when /(.*[^d])eaf$/i ; return "#{$1}eaves" when /(.*[nlw])ife$/i ; return "#{$1}ives" when /(.*)arf$/i ; return "#{$1}arves" # Handle ...y when /(.*[aeiou])y$/i ; return "#{$1}ys" when /([A-Z].*y)$/ ; return "#{$1}s" when /(.*)y$/i ; return "#{$1}ies" # Handle ...o when /#{PL_sb_U_o_os}$/i ; return "#{word}s" when /[aeiou]o$/i ; return "#{word}s" when /o$/i ; return "#{word}es" # Otherwise just add ...s else return "#{word}s" end end |
.pluralize_special_adjective(word, count) ⇒ Object
Handle special adjectives
924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 924 def pluralize_special_adjective( word, count ) count ||= Linguistics::num count = normalize_count( count ) return word if /^(#{PL_count_one})$/i =~ count.to_s # Handle user-defined verbs #if value = ud_match( word, PL_adj_user_defined ) # return value #end case word # Handle known cases when /^(#{PL_adj_special})$/i return PL_adj_special_h[ $1.downcase ] # Handle possessives when /^(#{PL_adj_poss})$/i return PL_adj_poss_h[ $1.downcase ] when /^(.*)'s?$/ pl = plural_noun( $1 ) if /s$/ =~ pl return "#{pl}'" else return "#{pl}'s" end # Otherwise, no idea else return nil end end |
.pluralize_special_verb(word, count) ⇒ Object
Pluralize special verbs
857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 857 def pluralize_special_verb( word, count ) count ||= Linguistics::num count = normalize_count( count ) return nil if /^(#{PL_count_one})$/i =~ count.to_s # Handle user-defined verbs #if value = ud_match( word, PL_v_user_defined ) # return value #end case word # Handle irregular present tense (simple and compound) when /^(#{PL_v_irregular_pres})((\s.*)?)$/i return PL_v_irregular_pres_h[ $1.downcase ] + $2 # Handle irregular future, preterite and perfect tenses when /^(#{PL_v_irregular_non_pres})((\s.*)?)$/i return word # Handle special cases when /^(#{PL_v_special_s})$/, /\s/ return nil # Handle standard 3rd person (chop the ...(e)s off single words) when /^(.*)([cs]h|[x]|zz|ss)es$/i return $1 + $2 when /^(..+)ies$/i return "#{$1}y" when /^(.+)oes$/i return "#{$1}o" when /^(.*[^s])s$/i return $1 # Otherwise, a regular verb (handle elsewhere) else return nil end end |
.postprocess(original, inflected) ⇒ Object
Do normal/classical switching and match capitalization in inflected
by examining the original
705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 705 def postprocess( original, inflected ) inflected.sub!( /([^|]+)\|(.+)/ ) { Linguistics::classical? ? $2 : $1 } case original when "I" return inflected when /^[A-Z]+$/ return inflected.upcase when /^[A-Z]/ # Can't use #capitalize, as it will downcase the rest of the string, # too. inflected[0,1] = inflected[0,1].upcase return inflected else return inflected end end |
.present_participle(word) ⇒ Object Also known as: part_pres
1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1219 def present_participle( word ) plural = plural_verb( word.to_s, 2 ) plural.sub!( /ie$/, 'y' ) or plural.sub!( /ue$/, 'u' ) or plural.sub!( /([auy])e$/, '$1' ) or plural.sub!( /i$/, '' ) or plural.sub!( /([^e])e$/, "\\1" ) or /er$/.match( plural ) or plural.sub!( /([^aeiou][aeiouy]([bdgmnprst]))$/, "\\1\\2" ) return "#{plural}ing" end |
.proper_noun(string) ⇒ Object
Returns the proper noun form of a string by capitalizing most of the words.
English.proper_noun("bosnia and herzegovina") ->
"Bosnia and Herzegovina"
English.proper_noun("macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of") ->
"Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of"
English.proper_noun("virgin islands, u.s.") ->
"Virgin Islands, U.S."
1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1684 def proper_noun( string ) return string.split(/([ .]+)/).collect {|word| next word unless /^[a-z]/.match( word ) && ! (%w{and the of}.include?( word )) word.capitalize }.join end |
.quantify(phrase, number = 0, args = {}) ⇒ Object
- :joinword
Sets the word (and any surrounding spaces) used as the word separating the quantity from the noun in the resulting string. Defaults to
' of '
1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1403 def quantify( phrase, number=0, args={} ) num = number.to_i config = QuantifyDefaults.merge( args ) case num when 0 no( phrase ) when 1 a( phrase ) when SeveralRange "several " + plural( phrase, num ) when NumberRange "a number of " + plural( phrase, num ) when NumerousRange "numerous " + plural( phrase, num ) when ManyRange "many " + plural( phrase, num ) else # Anything bigger than the ManyRange gets described like # "hundreds of thousands of..." or "millions of..." # depending, of course, on how many there are. thousands, subthousands = Math::log10( num ).to_i.divmod( 3 ) stword = case subthousands when 2 "hundreds" when 1 "tens" else nil end thword = plural( to_thousands(thousands).strip ) thword = nil if thword.empty? [ # Hundreds (of)... stword, # thousands (of) thword, # stars. plural(phrase, number) ].compact.join( config[:joinword] ) end end |
.sentence(obj) ⇒ Object
Return a LinkParser::Sentence for the stringified obj
110 111 112 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/linkparser.rb', line 110 def sentence( obj ) return Linguistics::EN::lp_dict.parse( obj.to_s ) end |
.synset(word, pos = nil, sense = 1) ⇒ Object
Look up the synset associated with the given word or collocation in the WordNet lexicon and return a WordNet::Synset object.
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/wordnet.rb', line 153 def synset( word, pos=nil, sense=1 ) lex = Linguistics::EN::wn_lexicon if pos.is_a?( Fixnum ) sense = pos pos = nil end postries = pos ? [pos] : [:noun, :verb, :adjective, :adverb, :other] syn = nil postries.each do |pos| break if syn = lex.lookupSynsets( word.to_s, pos, sense ) end return syn end |
.synsets(word, pos = nil) ⇒ Object
Look up all the synsets associated with the given word or collocation in the WordNet lexicon and return an Array of WordNet::Synset objects. If pos
is nil
, return synsets for all parts of speech.
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/wordnet.rb', line 173 def synsets( word, pos=nil ) lex = Linguistics::EN::wn_lexicon postries = pos ? [pos] : [:noun, :verb, :adjective, :adverb, :other] syns = [] postries.each {|pos| syns << lex.lookupSynsets( word.to_s, pos ) } return syns.flatten.compact end |
.titlecase(string) ⇒ Object
Returns the given string
as a title-cased phrase.
1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1643 def titlecase( string ) # :nodoc: # Split on word-boundaries words = string.split( /\b/ ) # Always capitalize the first and last words words.first.capitalize! words.last.capitalize! # Now scan the rest of the tokens, skipping non-words and capitalization # exceptions. words.each_with_index do |word, i| # Non-words next unless /^\w+$/.match( word ) # Skip exception-words next if TitleCaseExceptions.include?( word ) # Skip second parts of contractions next if words[i - 1] == "'" && /\w/.match( words[i - 2] ) # Have to do it this way instead of capitalize! because that method # also downcases all other letters. word.gsub!( /^(\w)(.*)/ ) { $1.upcase + $2 } end return words.join end |
.to_hundreds(hundreds, tens = 0, units = 0, thousands = 0, joinword = " and ") ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number of hundreds-, tens-, and units-place numerals into a word phrase. If the number of thousands (thousands
) is greater than 0, it will be used to determine where the decimal point is in relation to the hundreds-place number.
1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1036 def to_hundreds( hundreds, tens=0, units=0, thousands=0, joinword=" and " ) joinword = ' ' if joinword.empty? if hundreds.nonzero? return to_units( hundreds ) + " hundred" + (tens.nonzero? || units.nonzero? ? joinword : '') + to_tens( tens, units ) + to_thousands( thousands ) elsif tens.nonzero? || units.nonzero? return to_tens( tens, units ) + to_thousands( thousands ) else return nil end end |
.to_tens(tens, units, thousands = 0) ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number of tens- and units-place numerals into a word-phrase at the given number of thousands
1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1022 def to_tens( tens, units, thousands=0 ) unless tens == 1 return Tens[ tens ] + ( tens.nonzero? && units.nonzero? ? '-' : '' ) + to_units( units, thousands ) else return Teens[ units ] + to_thousands( thousands ) end end |
.to_thousands(thousands = 0) ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number into one or more words like ‘thousand’, ‘million’, etc. Uses the thousands (American) system.
1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1052 def to_thousands( thousands=0 ) parts = [] (0..thousands).step( Thousands.length - 1 ) {|i| if parts.push Thousands[ thousands % (Thousands.length - 1) ] else parts.push Thousands.last end } return parts.join(" ") end |
.to_units(units, thousands = 0) ⇒ Object
Transform the specified number of units-place numerals into a word-phrase at the given number of thousands
1015 1016 1017 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en.rb', line 1015 def to_units( units, thousands=0 ) return Units[ units ] + to_thousands( thousands ) end |
.wn_error ⇒ Object
If #haveWordnet? returns false
, this can be called to fetch the exception which was raised when WordNet was loaded.
110 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/wordnet.rb', line 110 def wn_error ; @wn_error; end |
.wn_lexicon ⇒ Object
The instance of the WordNet::Lexicon used for all Linguistics WordNet functions.
114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/linguistics/en/wordnet.rb', line 114 def wn_lexicon if @wn_error raise NotImplementedError, "WordNet functions are not loaded: %s" % @wn_error. end @wn_lexicon ||= WordNet::Lexicon::new end |