
This project was to make a ruby gem which came with a library of useful data generators.

These generators could be added to later as I find the need for different types of data. Making these generators into a gem means that I can easily include and use my generators in new projects without much hassle of copying files, making require statements etc.

The generators themselves come in a Service Object Model with a super module handing out appropriate generator services.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'SykGenData'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install SykGenData

Using the generators

Use the generators by first adding

require 'SykGenData'

to your ruby file and then calling SykGenData to return a generator class

@form      = SykGenData::form
@cc        = SykGenData::cc
@postcode  = SykGenData::postcode


Generating form data

@form = SykGenData::form

to call the GenFormData class used to generate data for filling in online registration forms.

@form.get_country        # returns a country
@form.get_fake_location  # returns a fictional location
@form.get_first_name     # returns a first name
@form.get_last_name      # returns a last name
@form.get_username       # returns a username
@form.get_email          # returns a random email
@form.get_password       # returns a string with upper and lower case as well as special characters and numbers
@form.get_dob            # returns a date of birth as an array of 3 values
@form.get_phone_number   # returns a phone number starting 07
@form.get_about_me       # returns a quote for an about me section

Generating credit card data

@cc = SykGenData::cc

to call the GenCCData class used to generate data for filling in online payment forms

@cc.get_visa_cc_number # returns a random fake VISA credit card number
@cc.get_visa_sec_code  # returns a random fake VISA security code
@cc.get_amex_cc_number # returns a random fake American Express credit card number
@cc.get_amex_sec_code  # returns a random fake American Express security code
@cc.get_mastercard_cc_number # returns a random fake Mastercard credit card number
@cc.get_mastercard_sec_code  # returns a random fake Mastercard security code

Generating UK postcode data

@postcode = SykGenData::postcode

to call GenPostcodeData class used to generate UK postcodes for use with an API.

@postcode.get_postcode   # returns a random UK postcode


The generators are all tested using rspec, you can run the tests from the project root directory by running the command

$ rake spec


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


This gem is published when pull requests are approved into master.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

