A Ruby client library for ably.io, the realtime messaging service.
Visit https://www.ably.io/documentation for a complete API reference and more examples.
The client library is available as a gem from RubyGems.org.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ably'
And then install this Bundler dependency:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ably
Using the Realtime API
All examples must be run within an EventMachine reactor as follows:
EventMachine.run do
# ...
All examples assume a client has been created using one of the following:
# basic auth with an API key
client = Ably::Realtime.new(key: 'xxxxx')
# using token auth
client = Ably::Realtime.new(token: 'xxxxx')
If you do not have an API key, sign up for a free API key now
Successful connection:
client.connection.connect do
# successful connection
Failed connection:
connection_result = client.connection.connect
connection_result.errback = Proc.new do
# failed connection
Subscribing to connection state changes:
client.connection.on do |state_change|
state_change.current #=> :connected
state_change.previous #=> :connecting
Subscribing to a channel
Given a channel is created as follows:
channel = client.channels.get('test')
Subscribe to all events:
channel.subscribe do ||
.name #=> "greeting"
.data #=> "Hello World!"
Only certain events:
channel.subscribe('myEvent') do ||
.name #=> "myEvent"
.data #=> "myData"
Publishing a message to a channel
channel.publish('greeting', 'Hello World!')
Querying the History
channel.history do ||
#=> #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
.items.first # #<Ably::Models::Message ...>
.items.first.data # payload for the message
.items.length # number of messages in the current page of history
.next do |next_page|
next_page #=> the next page => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
.has_next? # false, there are more pages
Presence on a channel
channel.presence.enter(data: 'metadata') do |presence|
presence.get do |members|
members #=> [Array of members present]
Subscribing to presence events
channel.presence.subscribe do |member|
member #=> { action: :enter, client_id: 'bob' }
Querying the Presence History
channel.presence.history do |presence_page|
presence_page.items.first.action # Any of :enter, :update or :leave
presence_page.items.first.client_id # client ID of member
presence_page.items.first.data # optional data payload of member
presence_page.next do |next_page|
next_page #=> the next page => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
presence_page.has_next? # false, there are more pages
Symmetric end-to-end encrypted payloads on a channel
When a 128 bit or 256 bit key is provided to the library, all payloads are encrypted and decrypted automatically using that key on the channel. The secret key is never transmitted to Ably and thus it is the developer's responsibility to distribute a secret key to both publishers and subscribers.
secret_key = Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key
channel = client.channels.get('test', cipher: { key: secret_key })
channel.subscribe do ||
.data #=> "sensitive data (encrypted before being published)"
channel.publish "name (not encrypted)", "sensitive data (encrypted before being published)"
Using the REST API
Unlike the Realtime API, all calls are synchronous and are not run within an EventMachine reactor.
All examples assume a client and/or channel has been created as follows:
client = Ably::Rest.new(key: 'xxxxx')
channel = client.channel('test')
Publishing a message to a channel
channel.publish('myEvent', 'Hello!') #=> true
Querying the History
= channel.history #=> #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
.items.first #=> #<Ably::Models::Message ...>
.items.first.data # payload for the message
.next # retrieves the next page => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
.has_next? # false, there are more pages
Current presence members on a channel
members_page = channel.presence.get # => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
members_page.items.first # first member present in this page => #<Ably::Models::PresenceMessage ...>
members_page.items.first.client_id # client ID of first member present
members_page.next # retrieves the next page => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
members_page.has_next? # false, there are more pages
Querying the presence history
presence_page = channel.presence.history #=> #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
presence_page.items.first #=> #<Ably::Models::PresenceMessage ...>
presence_page.items.first.client_id # client ID of first member
presence_page.next # retrieves the next page => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
Symmetric end-to-end encrypted payloads on a channel
When a 128 bit or 256 bit key is provided to the library, all payloads are encrypted and decrypted automatically using that key on the channel. The secret key is never transmitted to Ably and thus it is the developer's responsibility to distribute a secret key to both publishers and subscribers.
secret_key = Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key
channel = client.channels.get('test', cipher: { key: secret_key })
channel.publish nil, "sensitive data" # data will be encrypted before publish
= channel.history
.items.first.data #=> "sensitive data"
Generate a Token
Tokens are issued by Ably and are readily usable by any client to connect to Ably:
token_details = client.auth.request_token
# => #<Ably::Models::TokenDetails ...>
token_details.token # => "xVLyHw.CLchevH3hF....MDh9ZC_Q"
client = Ably::Rest.new(token: token_details)
Generate a TokenRequest
Token requests are issued by your servers and signed using your private API key. This is the preferred method of authentication as no secrets are ever shared, and the token request can be issued to trusted clients without communicating with Ably.
token_request = client.auth.create_token_request(ttl: 3600, client_id: 'jim')
# => {"id"=>...,
# "clientId"=>"jim",
# "ttl"=>3600,
# "timestamp"=>...,
# "capability"=>"{\"*\":[\"*\"]}",
# "nonce"=>...,
# "mac"=>...}
client = Ably::Rest.new(token: token_request)
Fetching your application's stats
stats_page = client.stats #=> #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
stats_page.items.first = #<Ably::Models::Stats ...>
stats_page.next # retrieves the next page => #<Ably::Models::PaginatedResult ...>
Fetching the Ably service time
client.time #=> 2013-12-12 14:23:34 +0000
If you only need to use the REST features of this library and do not want EventMachine as a dependency, then you should consider using the Ably Ruby REST gem.
Support, feedback and troubleshooting
Please visit http://support.ably.io/ for access to our knowledgebase and to ask for any assistance.
You can also view the community reported Github issues.
To see what has changed in recent versions of Bundler, see the CHANGELOG.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Ensure you have added suitable tests and the test suite is passing(
bundle exec rspec
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
Copyright (c) 2016 Ably Real-time Ltd, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the license terms.