Gem Version


A command line interface for the Accern API. Which is used for streaming the realtime data feed.


# default macOS Ruby
$ sudo gem install accern

# When using a Ruby version manager
$ gem install accern


To get started run the accern command and follow the prompts.

$ accern
$ Please enter your API Token:
$ Your client is now configured and settings saved to ~/.accern.rc.yml.

The the next time you run accern the client will begin streaming the full data feed to ./feed.jsonl

Advanced usage

To reset and bring up the getting started prompts run:

$ accern --init

Filter by ticker

# single ticker
$ accern --ticker appl

# multiple tickers
$ accern --ticker "appl,amzn"

Filter by ticker file

Create a newline delimited ticker file:

$ accern --ticker-file ./my_tickers.txt

Filter by index

The index value must be one of the following values

index expected value
S&P 500 sp500
Russell 1000 russell1000
Russell 3000 russell3000
Wilshire 5000 wilshire5000
Barron's 400 barrons400
DOW 30 dow30
# single index
$ accern --index sp500

# multiple indexes
$ accern --index "dow30,russell1000"

Filter by index file

Create a newline delimited index file with the any of the allowed values:

$ accern --index-file ./my_indexes.txt


  1. Create an issue and describe your idea
  2. Fork it
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request