
A simple way to manage approval of ActiveRecord models. Using ActAsReleasable you can keep track of changed data by creating a candidate without modifying your current model. When you need, you can just approve the changes and all data will be updated to your model.


.act_as_releasable :collections => [:name_if_any] on your model. #generate_new_candidate to apply changes to candidate(without saving). #release_candidate to get candidate from model. #release_version! to apply candidate changes to model. #has_changes_to_be_approved? to check if there is any candidate.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'act_as_releasable'

And then execute (the second step is used to create the gem migrations):

$ bundle
$ rails generate act_as_releasable:install


In order to make your model releasable, your must call the act_as_releasable method on your model, like this:

class Article

After created, any model who act as releasable is able to generate a candidate.

article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "Whoa! ActAsReleasable is live!", ...>
article.title = "ActAsRelesable just received some care :)"

Every ActiveRecord::Base model will work as usual, unless you specify it to behave like releasable(I mean, no AR method is overrided).

After creating a new candidate, you can load it by doing the following.

article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "Whoa! ActAsReleasable is live!", ...>
# ...
article.release_candidate.title # "ActAsRelesable just received some care :)"

To approve a candidate, you should use the release_version! method.

article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "Whoa! ActAsReleasable is live!", ...>
# ...
article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "ActAsRelesable just received some care :)", ...>

The last but not the least:

You can have candidates for collections, by specifying them like this:

class Article
  act_as_releasable :collections => [:comments]

And check if the model has any change to be approved.



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request