
A base policy class for authorizing controller actions with access to the current_user and object.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'action_authorization'

And then execute: bash bundle

Or install it with: bash gem install action_authorization


ActionAuthorization requires a current_user method that returns the currently logged in user.


Include the ActionAuthorization module in your ApplicationController (or indvidual controller(s))

ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include ActionAuthorization end

Create an authorization policy for a resource. ruby class DocumentPolicy < ActionAuthorization::BasePolicy def show? document.owner == user end end

Call authorize method in controller action. ruby class DocumentController < ApplicationController def show @document = authorize(Document.find(params[:id])) end end

Pass a policy_class to authorize to override the default resource based policy. ruby class DocumentController < ApplicationController def show @document = authorize(Document.find(params[:id]), policy_class: UserOwnerPolicy) end end

Check if authorized before displaying a link in the view.

erb <%= link_to(, @document) if policy(@document).show? %>


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.