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ActiveFedora is a Ruby gem for creating and managing objects in the Fedora Repository Architecture ( ActiveFedora is loosely based on “ActiveRecord” in Rails. Version 9.0+ works with Fedora 4 and prior versions work on Fedora 3. Version 9.2+ works with Solr 4.10. Version 10.0+ works with Fedora >= 4.5.1.

Getting Help


The gem is hosted on rubygems.

gem install active-fedora

Getting Started

The Dive into Hydra gives you a brief tour through ActiveFedora’s features on the command line.


You can generate a model inheriting from ActiveFedora::Base.

rails generate active_fedora:model Book

Testing (this Gem)

In order to run the RSpec tests, you need to have a copy of the ActiveFedora source code, and then run bundle install in the source directory. You can download the source code by doing the following:

git clone
cd active_fedora
bundle install

Using the continuous integration server

You can test ActiveFedora using the same process as our continuous integration server. This will automatically pull down a copy of Solr and Fedora Content Repository.

The ci rake task will download solr and fedora, start them, and run the tests for you.

rake active_fedora:ci

Testing Manually

If you want to run the tests manually, follow these instructions:


To start FCRepo, open another shell and run:

fcrepo_wrapper -p 8986

Now you’re ready to run the tests. In the directory where active_fedora is installed, run:

rake spec


Creator: Matt Zumwalt (MediaShelf)

Developers: Justin Coyne, McClain Looney & Eddie Shin (MediaShelf), Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)