Class: SpecialThing

ActiveFedora::Base show all
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This is an example of an ActiveFedora Model

Some of the datastream ids were chosen based on the Hydra modeling conventions. You don’t have to follow them in your work.

ActiveFedora itself has no notion of those conventions, but we do encourage you to use them.

The Hydra conventions encourage you to have a datastream with this dsid whose contents are descriptive metadata like MODS or Dublin Core. They especially encourage MODS.

The descMetadata dsid is a Hydra convention for a datastream with descriptive metadata contents, like MODS or Dublin Core. They especially encourage MODS. The rightsMetadata dsid is also a convention provided by the Hydra Common Metadata “content model”

For more info on the Hydra conventions, see the documentation on “Common Metadata content model” in Note that on the wiki, “content model” is often used to refer to Fedora CModels and/or abstract/notional models. The Common Metadata content model is an example of this. The wiki includes a page that attempts to shed some light on the question of “What is a content model?”’t+call+it+a+‘content+model’!

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from ActiveFedora::Base


Attributes included from ActiveFedora::SemanticNode

#internal_uri, #load_from_solr, #relationships_are_dirty

Method Summary

Methods inherited from ActiveFedora::Base

#add, #add_datastream, #add_file_datastream, #add_named_datastream, #add_named_file_datastream, #add_relationship, #assert_kind_of, #collection_members_append, #collection_members_remove, #create_datastream, #create_date, create_named_datastream_finders, create_named_datastream_update_methods, #datastream_names, #datastreams, #datastreams_attributes, #datastreams_in_fedora, #datastreams_in_memory, #datastreams_xml, #dc, #delete, deserialize, #errors, #fields, #file_objects, #file_objects_append, #file_streams, #generate_dsid, #get_values_from_datastream, has_datastream, has_metadata, #initialize, #inner_object, #internal_uri, #is_named_datastream?, #label, #label=, load_instance_from_solr, #metadata_streams, #method_missing, #modified_date, #named_datastreams, #named_datastreams_attributes, named_datastreams_desc, #named_datastreams_desc_from_class, #named_datastreams_ids, #new_object=, #new_object?, #owner_id, #owner_id=, #pid, pids_from_uris, #refresh, #relationships, #rels_ext, #remove_relationship, #save, #state, #to_param, #to_solr, #to_xml, #update_attributes, #update_datastream_attributes, #update_index, #update_indexed_attributes, #update_named_datastream

Methods included from ActiveFedora::SemanticNode

#add_relationship, #assert_kind_of, #inbound_relationships, included, #outbound_relationships, #register_predicate, #register_subject, #register_triple, #relationship_exists?, #relationships, #relationships_from_class, #remove_relationship, #to_rels_ext, #unregister_triple

Methods included from MediaShelfClassLevelInheritableAttributes


Methods included from ActiveFedora::Model

#add_metadata, #create_property_getter, #create_property_setter, #datastream, included

Methods included from ActiveFedora::FedoraObject

#add_datastream, #datastreams, #datastreams_xml, #dc, #delete, #errors, #initialize, #inner_object, #owner_id, #pid, #rels_ext, #save, #state

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActiveFedora::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class ActiveFedora::Base