ActiveAttr 0.15.2 (February 17, 2021)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Ruby 3.0
  • Allow unreleased versions of Rails 7.0

ActiveAttr 0.15.1 (December 11, 2020)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Ruby 2.7
  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 6.1
  • Drop support for Ruby versions below 2.1

ActiveAttr 0.15.0 (June 12, 2019)

  • Add missing ActiveSupport require for Attributes
  • Change numeric typecasters to cast nil and empty strings to nil

ActiveAttr 0.14.0 (June 10, 2019)

  • Drop support for Ruby versions below 1.9.2
  • #139 Changed Typecasting::BooleanTypecaster to cast nil and empty strings to false (Corin Langosch)
  • Attributes#inspect is now filtered based on filtered_attributes, which defaults to Rails.application.config.filter_parameters in Rails apps.
  • #143 Changed Attributes to allocate less objects (Chris Grigg)
  • #153 Changed HaveAttributeMatcher#with_default_value_of to support Procs (Yoshiyuki Hirano)
  • #145 Add ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks to ActiveAttr::Model (Kazuki BABA)

ActiveAttr 0.13.1 (April 25, 2019)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 6.0

ActiveAttr 0.13.0 (April 6, 2019)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Ruby 2.6

ActiveAttr 0.12.0 (August 6, 2018)

  • #167 Changed Typecasting::BooleanTypecaster to cast strings starting with a zero character to cast to true (Artin Boghosian)
  • Changed Typecasting::BooleanTypecaster to cast more numeric strings to true

ActiveAttr 0.11.0 (May 29, 2018)

  • #166 Changed Typecasting::DateTimeTypecaster to not raise on invalid Strings (Omoto Kenji)

ActiveAttr 0.10.3 (February 16, 2018)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 5.2

ActiveAttr 0.10.2 (July 21, 2017)

  • Add the license to the gemspec (Koichi ITO)

ActiveAttr 0.10.1 (May 4, 2017)

  • Documentation and test updates for Ruby 2.4 deprecating Fixnum
  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 5.1

ActiveAttr 0.10.0 (February 7, 2017)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Ruby 2.4.0

ActiveAttr 0.9.0 (January 27, 2016)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 5.0.0
  • Following the lead of Rails 5, Serialization no longer includes XML serialization by default. Include the ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml module to get this functionality. With Rails 5. You'll need to install the activemodel-serializers-xml gem, which is not yet published on

ActiveAttr 0.8.5 (December 22, 2014)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 4.2.0 (Jesse B. Hannah)

ActiveAttr 0.8.4 (July 11, 2014)

  • ActiveAttr now supports RSpec 3.0.0 (Aaron Mc Adam)

ActiveAttr 0.8.3 (April 8, 2014)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 4.1.0

ActiveAttr 0.8.2 (June 16, 2013)

  • #108 Fix grammar in HaveAttributeMatcher#description (Matt Hodan)
  • #110 #116 Improve performance of typecasting (Roman Heinrich)

ActiveAttr 0.8.1 (June 9, 2013)

  • #121 Fix compatibility with ActiveModel Serializers gem by dropping support for Rails 3.2 edge prior to RC1

ActiveAttr 0.8.0 (May 2, 2013)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 4.0.0
  • ActiveAttr now supports Ruby 2.0.0
  • HaveAttributeMatcher failure messages now use an expected/got format
  • Removed MassAssignmentSecurity, sanitizer support has been merged into MassAssignment. Include the ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity module or ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection depending on your Rails version

ActiveAttr 0.7.0 (December 15, 2012)

  • Added Serialization
  • Changed Typecasting::DateTypecaster to not raise on invalid Strings
  • #114 Fixed NoMethodError in TypecastedAttributes#attribute_before_type_cast

ActiveAttr 0.6.0 (June 27, 2012)

  • Added AttributeDefinition#inspect
  • Added Attributes.attribute!
  • Added Attributes.dangerous_attribute?
  • Added missing autoload for BlockInitialization
  • Added Typecasting#typecaster_for
  • Added Typecasting::UnknownTypecasterError
  • Changed Typecasting#typecast_attribute to take a typecaster, not a type
  • Removed Typecasting#typecast_value
  • TypecastedAttributes now supports a :typecaster option on attribute definitions which can be any object that responds to #call

ActiveAttr 0.5.1 (March 16, 2012)

  • ActiveAttr now supports Rails 3.0.2+ (Egor Baranov)

ActiveAttr 0.5.0 (March 11, 2012)

  • ActiveAttr is now Ruby warning free
  • Added AttributeDefaults
  • Added AttributeDefinition#[]
  • Added Attributes.attribute_names
  • Added Matchers::HaveAttributeMatcher#of_type
  • Added Matchers::HaveAttributeMatcher#with_default_value_of
  • Added TypecastedAttributes
  • Added Typecasting
  • Added Typecasting::BigDecimalTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::Boolean
  • Added Typecasting::BooleanTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::DateTimeTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::DateTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::FloatTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::IntegerTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::ObjectTypecaster
  • Added Typecasting::StringTypecaster
  • Changed Attributes.attributes return value from an Array to a Hash
  • Changed HaveAttributeMatcher to return spec failures when the model is missing ActiveAttr modules
  • Changed redefining an attribute to actually redefine the attribute
  • Removed StrictMassAssignment, instead use MassAssignmentSecurity with ActiveModel v3.2 which allows assigning mass_assignment_sanitizer to :strict on the class

ActiveAttr 0.4.1 (November 27, 2011)

  • Implemented ActiveModel serialization in Model

ActiveAttr 0.4.0 (November 26, 2011)

  • Added Model
  • Support for ActiveModel 3.2

ActiveAttr 0.3.0 (November 26, 2011)

  • Added BlockInitialization
  • Added DangerousAttributeError
  • Added Logger
  • Added MassAssignmentSecurity
  • Added QueryAttributes
  • Added UnknownAttributeError
  • Attributes now honors getters/setters when calling #read_attribute, #write_attribute, #[], and #[]=
  • Attributes now raises DangerousAttributeError when defining an attribute whose methods would conflict with an existing method
  • Attributes now raises UnknownAttributeError when getting/setting any undefined attributes

ActiveAttr 0.2.2 (November 2, 2011)

  • Fixed all instances of modules' #initialize not invoking its superclass
  • Fixed redefining an attribute appending a new AttributeDefinition
  • Subclassing a model using Attributes will now copy the parent's attribute definitions to the subclass

ActiveAttr 0.2.1 (October 19, 2011)

  • Added AttributeDefinition#<=>
  • Added AttributeDefinition#to_sym
  • Added Attributes#[]
  • Added Attributes#[]=
  • Attributes#attributes now returns the results of overridden getters
  • Attributes.inspect and Attributes#inspect are now in alphabetical order
  • Overridden attribute getters and setters can now call super

ActiveAttr 0.2.0 (October 3, 2011)

  • ActiveAttr now autoloads nested classes and modules
  • Added AttributeDefinition
  • Added Attributes
  • Added BasicModel
  • Added Error
  • Added Matchers::HaveAttributeMatcher
  • Added StrictMassAssignment
  • Added UnknownAttributesError
  • Documented everything

ActiveAttr 0.1.0 (September 30, 2011)

  • Added MassAssignment#assign_attributes
  • Added MassAssignment#attributes=
  • Added MassAssignment#initialize