ActiveResource Inspector

The gem provides ability to inspect ActiveResource files of any ruby project.

Using the Rake task, it prints results in format much like Rails's rake route does, but here it grouped by host and authentication type.

Case for Rails project:

For example in your Rails project you could have ActiveResource model like so:

class Inventory < ActiveResource::Base
  include ActiveResource::Singleton = ''
  self.prefix = '/products/:product_id/'

and you type within project folder:

rake resources:list

you will get:

~/you_rails_project$ rake resources:list
Location: /Users/tsyren/code/book_store/app/models

http://37s.sunrise.i:3000 (no auth)

Case for non-Rails project:

For non-Rails project you need to pass the path manually, for example you stored your active resource files in ./app/resources folder then:

rake resources:list["./app/resources"]

and the result expected the same as above example.


gem 'active_resource_inspector', group: :development


gem install active_resource_inspector

note: aims for development usage only.

Give try and drop me feedback.