layout: default nav_order: 10 title: Custom Pages

redirect_from: /docs/10-custom-pages.html

Custom Pages

If you have data you want on a standalone page that isn't tied to a resource, custom pages provide you with a familiar syntax and feature set:

  • a menu item
  • sidebars
  • action items
  • page actions

Create a new Page

Creating a page is as simple as calling register_page:

# app/admin/calendar.rb
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Calendar" do

and defining a partial:

# app/views/admin/calendar/_calendar.html.arb
table do
  thead do
    tr do
      %w[Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday].each &method(:th)
  tbody do
    # ...

Customize the Menu

See the Menu documentation.

Customize the breadcrumbs

ActiveAdmin.register_page "Calendar" do
  breadcrumb do
    ['admin', 'calendar']

Customize the Namespace

We use the admin namespace by default, but you can use anything:

# Available at /today/calendar
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Calendar", namespace: :today

# Available at /calendar
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Calendar", namespace: false

Belongs To

To nest the page within another resource, you can use the belongs_to method:

ActiveAdmin.configure_resource Project
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Status" do
  config.belongs_to :project

See also the Belongs To documentation and examples.

Add a Sidebar

See the Sidebars documentation.

Just like other resources, you can add action links.

# app/views/admin/calendar/action_item.html.arb
div(class: :action_items) do
  action_link "View Site", "/"

Add a Page Action

Page actions are custom controller actions (which mirror the resource DSL for the same feature).

# admin/calendar.rb
# Defines the route `/admin/calendar/add_event` which can handle HTTP POST requests.
config.add_page_route :add_event, method: :post

# app/controllers/admin/calendar_controller
class Admin::CalendarController < ActiveAdmin::PageController
  def add_event
    # ...
    redirect_to admin_calendar_path, notice: "Your event was added"

# app/views/admin/calendar/action_item.html.arb
div(class: :action_items) do
  action_link "Add Event", admin_calendar_add_event_path, method: :post

Clicking on the action item will reload page and display the message "Your event was added"

Page actions can handle multiple HTTP verbs.

config.add_page_route :add_event, method: [:get, :post] do
  # ...

See also the Custom Actions example.

Use custom column as id

You can use custom parameter instead of id

class Admin::User < ActiveAdmin::ResourceController
  defaults finder: :find_by_name

This defines the resource route as /admin/users/john if user name is john