ActiveLdap supports Rails 4.0 or later.
To install, simply add the following code to your Gemfile:
gem 'activeldap', :require => 'active_ldap/railtie'
You should also depend on an LDAP adapter such as Net::LDAP or Ruby/LDAP. The following example uses Ruby/LDAP:
gem 'ruby-ldap'
Bundler will install the gems automatically when you run
bundle install
You can use a LDAP configuration per environment. They are in a file named 'ldap.yml' in the config directory of your rails app. This file has a similar function to the 'database.yml' file that allows you to set your database connection configurations per environment. Similarly, the ldap.yml file allows configurations to be set for development, test, and production environments.
You can generate 'config/ldap.yml' by the following command:
% script/rails generate active_ldap:scaffold
You need to modify 'config/ldap.yml' generated by
. For instance, the development entry
would look something like the following:
port: 389
base: dc=localhost
bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=localhost
password: secret
When your application starts up, ActiveLdap::Base.setup_connection will be called with the parameters specified for your current environment.
You can replace default orm generators with gems one
to skip active_ldap prefix
in config/application.rb
config.app_generators.orm :active_ldap
Concurrency is now enabled by default to ensure thread safe searches and modifications. This can still be disabled if desired.
# config/initializers/active_ldap.rb
ActiveLdap::Base.allow_concurrency = false
You can generate a User model that represents entries under ou=Users by the following command:
% script/rails generate active_ldap:model User --dn-attribute uid --classes person PosixAccount
It generates the following app/model/user.rb:
class User < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => "uid",
:prefix => "ou=Users",
:classes => ["person", "PosixAccount"]
You can add relationships by modifying app/model/user.rb:
class User < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => 'uid',
:prefix => "ou=Users",
:classes => ['person', 'posixAccount']
belongs_to :primary_group,
:class_name => "Group",
:foreign_key => "gidNumber",
:primary_key => "gidNumber"
belongs_to :groups,
:many => 'memberUid'
You can also generate a Group model by the following command:
% script/rails generate active_ldap:model Group --classes PosixGroup
class Group < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => "cn",
:prefix => "ou=Groups",
:classes => ["PosixGroup"]
You can add relationships by modifying app/model/group.rb:
class Group < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => "cn",
:prefix => "ou=Groups",
:classes => ["PosixGroup"]
has_many :members,
:class_name => "User",
:wrap => "memberUid"
has_many :primary_members,
:class_name => "Group",
:foreign_key => "gidNumber",
:primary_key => "gidNumber"
You can also generate a Ou model by the following command:
% script/rails generate active_ldap:model Ou --prefix '' --classes organizationalUnit
class Ou < ActiveLdap::Base
ldap_mapping :dn_attribute => "cn",
:prefix => "",
:classes => ["organizationalUnit"]