
Create tableless activerecord objects that support associations and validations.


  1. add gem 'acts_as_tableless' to your gemfile

  2. run bundle install

  3. add acts_as_tableless to a activerecord model


class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :shapes has_many :user_colors has_many :colors, :through => :user_colors has_one :size belongs_to :number attr_accessible :name, :number_id, :letter_id end

class Color < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tableless column :id, :integer column :name, :string attr_accessible :id, :name belongs_to :user_colors end

class Letter < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tableless column :id, :integer column :name, :string column :user_id, :integer attr_accessible :id, :name, :user_id has_and_belongs_to_many :users end

class Number < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tableless column :id, :integer column :name, :string attr_accessible :id, :name has_many :users end

class Shape < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tableless column :id, :integer column :name, :string column :user_id, :integer attr_accessible :id, :name, :user_id belongs_to :user end

class Size < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tableless column :id, :integer column :name, :string column :user_id, :integer attr_accessible :id, :name, :user_id belongs_to :user end

class UserColor < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :color attr_accessible :user_id, :color_id end


@user = User.create(:name => “User”)

@user.shapes.create(:name => "Octagon")		#=> #<Shape id: 1, name: "Octagon", user_id: 1>

@user.colors << Color.create([=> “Green”,=> “Blue”]) #=> [#<Color id: 1, name: “Green”>, #<Color id: 2, name: “Blue”>] @user.size.create(:name => “Large”) #=> #<Size id: 1, name: “Large”, user_id: 1> @user.number = Number.create(name: “One”) #=> #<Number id: 1, name: “One”>

More stuff in the test file.


This gem relies on String#singularize which is known to have some problems. To correct errors such as:

uninitialized constant Statu (NameError)

please add something similar to:

ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
  inflect.singular("statuses", "status")
  inflect.singular("status", "status")

to your environment.rb file before the Application.initialize! line