
An enhanced select helper for forms that allows you to use the full HTML spec for select option elements. This is more than what you get with the default Rails select helper which only allows you to specify the value, text, and selected/disabled attributes.


Copyright © 2009 Brooke Kuhlmann of Berserk Technologies. See the included LICENSE for more info.


See the CHANGELOG file for more info.


  1. Ruby on Rails.


Type the following from the command line to install:

  • UNIX: sudo gem install aeonscope-enhanced_select

  • Windows: gem install aeonscope-enhanced_select

Update your environment.rb file to include the new gem:

  • config.gem “enhanced_select”


Simply use “enhanced_select” instead of the Rails “select” helper method in your views:

<% form_for @city do |form| %>
  <div><%= form.enhanced_select :id, @schools, :include_blank => "-select-" %></div>
<% end %>

This will then yield the following results:

<select id="<auto filled>" name="<auto filled>">
  <option value="">-select-</option>
  <option value="1">Goldbugs</option>
  <option value="2">Falcons</option>

While the above is a simple example, lets look at a more interesting case. Assuming we are still dealing with cities, lets say we want cities but we want each city to have CSS classes associated with so that we might be able to attach jQuery behaviors to each option as it is selected (that and/or maybe we want to style each option). Here is how things might play out:

Model Code

class School < ActiveRecord::Base
  def kind
    [special? ? "special" : nil, restricted? ? "restricted" : nil].compact.join(' ')

Controller Code

class CityController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :form_data, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update]


  def form_data
    @schools = School.all.collect {|school| {:value => school.id, :class => school.kind, :text => school.label}}

View Code

<% form_for @city do |form| %>
  <div><%= form.enhanced_select :id, @schools, :include_blank => "-select-" %></div>
<% end %>

This would then yield the following results:

<select id="<auto filled>" name="<auto filled>">
  <option value="">-select-</option>
  <option value="1" class="restricted">Goldbugs</option>
  <option value="2" class="special">Falcons</option>

The possibilities are up to you as you can definitely build a hash array of options with more attributes than value, class, and text as shown above. The best part is that you have total control over how select options are built for your views.
