Aesthetics is a simple, modern and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development while keeping developers sane.
To get started, check out the docs.
Quickstart For Non-Rails Projects
To get going with Aesthetics you can:
- Download the latest stable release from the dist folder
- Install using Bower: bower install aesthetics
Rails Setup
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'aesthetics', :git => "git://"
And then execute
Append the following line to your application.css
/*= require aesthetics */
If you're planning on using Sass, then you'll want to rename application.css to application.scss. That file should then look like:
@import "aesthetics";
Primary Contributors
How To Contribute
Go to branch master
git checkout master
Pull latest change from origin/master
git pull origin master
Create a new feature branch
git checkout my-new-feature
Push your work
git push origin my-new-feature
Create a new pull request on Github
Proper pull requests
Special Thanks
Fat from Medium for his superb article on CSS which inspired me to start writing better CSS.
Colleagues from MindvalleyFlex for letting me try out things and do what I love