Class: OpenCV::CvSeq

  • Object
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Generic Sequence class. CvSeq has the method like Array (push, pop, select, etc…). But, CvSeq cannot store the object of a different class. When storing object in CvSeq, conversion is automatically tried, and the object occurs the error if it cannot be done.


seq =    # Argument mean "this sequence contain only this class's object"
seq.push(, 0)) # => it's ok
seq.push("hello")           # => try convert "hello" to CvPoint. but can't do it. raise error.

If the sequecne contain object of class A. When storing object(named “obj”) of class B to the sequence.

Try automatically : A.from_B(obj) => object of class A.

The sequence might have another sequence outside. see below. Each sequece has h_prev, h_next, v_prev, v_next method. If the adjoining sequence exists, each method return the adjoining sequence. Otherwise return nil.