Affiliate Window ETL

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This gem provides an extract-transform-load process for retrieving records from the Affiliate Window API and loading them into a Postgres database. It works incrementally, updating existing records rather than creating duplicates. It handles its own scheduling and determines which records need to be retrieved from the API based on the current state of the database.

How to run it

You can either clone this repository and run the ETL with rake or add it as a dependency of another application.

To run from this repository:

  1. Create the database: createdb affiliate_window
  2. Migrate the database: rake db:migrate
  3. Run the ETL: rake run

To run as a dependency:

require "affiliate_window/etl"
etl =


By default, it will inherit config from your environment variables. If you don't want it do this, you can pass in a hash:
  "START_DATE" => "2016-01-01",
  "END_DATE" => "2016-01-07",
  # ...

If you would like, you can add the gem's rake tasks to your app:

# Rakefile
namespace :etl do
  spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name "affiliate_window_etl"
  load "#{spec.gem_dir}/lib/affiliate_window/etl/tasks.rake"

If you are incorporating the ETL into an app that has its own migrations, it is recommended you copy the migrations into the container app:

etl.migration_filenames.each do |filename|
  # copy to db/migrate/

How to configure it

The library tries to be twelve-factor compliant and is configured via environment variables. When not specified, the configuration defaults to something suitable for development purposes. If the library is used as a dependency of something else, this configuration can be passed into the AffiliateWindow::ETL initializer.


The id of the Affiliate Window account for which to retrieve records.


The API token of for the Publisher Service. Can be retrieved from this page.


The connection to the database may be configured with DATABASE_URL.

e.g. postgres://user:password@database_host:1234/my-database?pool=5&encoding=unicode


The number of days to retrieve. When the ETL runs, it will fetch this many days of data, prior to today. It can take a while for transactions to appear in the API. It is recommended this be set to 60 in production. Defaults to 7.


The stream to write debug output. Defaults to stdout.

Valid options are: stdout, stderr and none.

Optionally, you can initialize the ETL with a custom logger if you are using the Ruby API.

How to contribute

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License.