Module: AktionTestRails::Matchers::ActiveAdmin

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Matchers for ActiveAdmin specs


This method will test for the presence or absence of a flash message. The flash type and message are optional, if both are omitted then the matcher will simply look for a flash block. If the type is specified then it will also check that the flash type is a match.

The matcher expects the subject to be a page from a request spec.

describe 'AdminUser List' do
  describe 'destroy' do
    it 'display a flash message after deleting an admin user' do
      admin = AdminUser.create!(...)
      visit admin_admin_users_path
      within("tr#admin_user_#{}") { click_button 'Delete' }
      page.should have_flash(:notice, 'Admin deleted sucessfully.')
      # OR
      page.should have_flash('Admin deleted sucessfully.')
      # OR
      page.should have_flash(:notice)
      # OR
      page.should have_flash

Alternatively the opposing matchers also work as expected.

# will fail if a flash exists
should_not have_flash
# will fail if a flash notice exists
should_not have_flash(:notice)
# will fail if a flash with the given message exists
should_not have_flash('message')
# will fail if a flash notice exists with the given message
should_not have_flash(:notice, 'message')

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Flash